The genealogy community has discovered the MeWe social network and a number of people have moved from Facebook to MeWe. These include:
Laverne Tornow’s Florida – The Way It Wuz, Florida Cracker Style and All About Family History
Rita Filler’s Scrapping Your Heritage
Janet Stephenson’s Genealogy With Friends
Lee Thayer’s People Photos, Genealogy & Family Research
Denise Olson’s Genealogy Research Resources, Genealogy Toolbox, Storytellers Studio
MeWe has also added an impressive Help Center to walk you through the many features available on MeWe.
Have you registered for RootsTech Connect yet? Registration is open now at You’ll find the registration form just below the introduction. Check out the keynote speakers while you’re at it. Stop by the Frequently Asked Questions section see how they are pulling this thing together. It’s quite impressive.
Scroll a bit further down the screen and you’ll find a box where you can subscribe to the RootsTech Newsletter so you can keep up with all the latest news. Next, download the RootsTech app (available for both Apple and Google Play). It doesn’t cost anything either. Once RootsTech has their sessions set, you can use the RootsTech app to choose which classes you want to attend. You can also use the app to download the speaker notes. Your app will also connect you to the virtual marketplace and give you the opportunity to participate in other activities.
We look forward to “seeing” you at RootsTech Connect!
FamilySearch has an impressive number of online only classes from the Family History Library that are freely accessible to all. One note . . . the class and webinar times are given in MST. The Research Wiki class for Scots research makes it a lot easier for beginners to learn how to use the Wiki to learn tips to help research your Scots ancestors.
Click here to view the November 2020 calendar.
Final Notes
Sample of the “fine print” at the bottom of each post.
Also down at the bottom of each delivered post is a Comment button. If you would like to comment on something discussed in a post or ask a question, just click the Comment button and you will be taken online to the comment section of the post where you can share your thoughts and read what others have shared.
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