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Research Notes 2018-8-6

As you know, our Ancient City Bulletin is now a quarterly publication. This gives us more time to include additional content and more space to include submissions from our members. Have you discovered a new ancestor or learned more about a person or family? We would be delighted to share your discovery! There is always room to add your stories in the Bulletin.

Heirlooms, special photographs, eureka discoveries and research tips now have a place in the Bulletin’s Out of the Closet page. Send us a digitized photo – preferably with caption – of your heirloom or special photograph. A paragraph describing your eureka moment or research tip is always welcome. Submit your “Closet items” by emailing them to

The Member Stories section is open to any member with a story to share. This could include the story behind a break-thru research discovery, the history of a treasured heirloom or a biography of a fascinating and/or famous ancestor. For more information, visit the Submission Guidelines page at SAGS Support. Submission deadline for the October Bulletin is September 14, 2018.


James Tanner’s Six Basic Rules of Genealogy

  1. Rule One: When the baby was born, the mother was there.

  2. Rule Two: Absence of an obituary or death record does not mean the person is still alive.

  3. Rule Three: Every person who ever lived has a unique birth order and a unique set of biological parents.

  4. Rule Four: There are always more records.

  5. Rule Five: You cannot get blood out of a turnip.

  6. Rule Six: Records move.

There’s more! You’ll find them at Genealogy’s Star.

Digital Public Library of America

The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) has announced a new List feature on their website. Users can now create a list and add items found in DPLA to it. This makes it possible to “collect” useful resources found in the library so you can easily access them when you need them. Each list can hold up to fifty items collected from search results or library content. Visit DPLA for details on how to get started.


This week’s recommended reading is Maureen Taylor’s Family Photo Detective. This book is an impressive resource to help you learn how to study the clues found in your old photos. She demonstrates how to use clothing styles and even hair styles to determine when a photo was taken. She also includes an index to other resources that will help you learn more. Family Photo Detective can be checked out at the Bartram Trail Library or it is available in paperback for $25.94 or the Kindle edition for $15.49.


RootsFinder recently announced a number of new and updated features in their online family tree. These include:

  1. new circle view for DNA lovers

  2. browser extensions for Firefox: web clipper and todo creator

  3. new major features: infographics, research logs trello view, research logs map view

  4. new hint partners: Geni, RootsPoint, WeRelate, and WikiTree

  5. growth in the past 5 months: 5 times as many people among all RF trees in the past 5 months

  6. Dozens of enhancements based on suggestions by you in the forum and on support.

To learn more about this free online family tree, visit


Did you know that email isn’t the only way to receive your weekly Research Notes newsletter? You can also take advantage of the free WordPress Reader and have those newsletters along with content from other SAGS-supported sites delivered to the Reader.

WordPress Reader view

The WordPress Reader

Visit The WordPress Reader page at SAGS Support to learn more and get started.

Final Notes

Each new post published at SAGS Support is automatically emailed to member subscribers and/or delivered to their newsreader. Research Notes is published every Monday morning and other articles are posted during the week. Subscribers have the option to control how often these updates are delivered. Look down at the bottom of this message and you will find a Manage Subscriptions link in the fine print as you see in this example. Click it and you will be taken to the Subscription Management page. Use the Delivery Frequency column to change your delivery options from “Immediate” to either “Daily” or “Weekly”.

Fine Print

Sample of the “fine print” at the bottom of each post.

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