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Research Notes 2017-3-6

SAGS Secretary

For those who did not make it to the North Florida Genealogy Conference, you missed a great opportunity to learn from an impressive group of speakers.

SAGS Table at NFGC 2017

Judy, Merry and Pat at the SAGS table in the big hall.

The handouts from the various speakers can be downloaded at the NFGC Sessions page. You’ll find the link just below each session description. Note that not every speaker provided handouts.


MyHeritage was the hot topic at the conference. I had a very interesting encounter with MyHeritage last week. I have a digital subscription to Family Tree Magazine through my Kindle account and had downloaded the latest issue. It has a Genealogy Web Guide describing each of the major online archives and how to use them for your research. While I was reading, a message popped up announcing a half-price discount at MyHeritage. So I went to my computer and logged into MyHeritage to get the details. Within seconds of logging in, my phone rang and it was a staffer asking if I was interested in the discount. He could see that I was logged in and wanted to know if I had questions about the deal. I did and we discussed it for a while before I decided to take advantage of it. With customer assistance like that, who wouldn’t?

Exclamation point

We have a change of presenters for the March meeting. Unfortunately Judy Wright won’t be able to join us this month. In her place, Denise Olson will present her Introduction to Evernote this month and Judy is rescheduled for September.


Recommended Reading

This week’s recommendations include blogs from the major archives. These sites post great tips, new additions and deals making them worth adding to your Reader.

Final Notes

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