OK, folks. We asked you to hold the date. This is to confirm that we will be meeting next Saturday, March 12, at 1pm. The location will be our traditional venue, the Southeast Branch of St Johns Public Library, 6670 US 1 South. This will be a social meeting with light refreshments. We have a variety of topics lined up to discuss, some of which will focus on the Society’s future.
We would like some estimate of how many people will come. If you think you will be there, let us know by sending an email to SAGSInfo@yahoo.com!
Keep watching this space, please, for announcements about our meetings in April and May, also on the second Saturday of the month at 1pm. We are working on booking a speaker for each meeting.
I am very pleased to announce that, thanks to some sterling work by our Secretary, we have a new:
– Facebook page. This is our outward facing page for public Society announcements
– Facebook group. This is a group where members can interact with each other.
– Website
These are all set up to provide continuity in the event of a change of Society officials.
If you are currently subscribed to, or following, one of our existing Facebook groups or pages, we will be posting on these for a while, redirecting you to the new page and group. Please like and follow our new page and group once you get there.
Our new website is: https://stauggensoc.org/ Please tell your friends!
See you next Saturday, I hope. Remember, let us know if you’re planning on attending.
Paul Howes