St. Augustine Genealogical Society
Newspaper Extracts
The Daily Extracts 1898
This information is provided by the St Augustine Genealogical Society for genealogical research purposes only.Â
The information was transcribed by a member of the St Augustine Genealogical Society and posted to the Rootsweb site for the Society. The name of the person who transcribed the information, the date of transcription, and the location of the original source material is unknown.Â
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The Daily Herald 1898 Extracts
Feb 10 1898
Washington DC The publication of what purports to be an autographic letter written by Senor Deputy de Lome, the Spanish Minister to his friend, Senor Canajeles, criticizing the President with the utmost freedom caused a great sensation in official circles in Washington, and soon will be followed by Minister de Lome’s departure.
In this letter which was published in the New York Press this morning copies having been circulated by the Cuba Junta, the Spanish Minister refers to President McKinley as ‘weak and catering to the rabble,” and as ‘a low politician who desires to stand well with the jingoes of his party.”
This letter was obtained, the story goes, by a man who risked his life to extract it form the envelope, after it had been received by Canajeles, recently Premier Sagasta’s representative in Cuba. The envelope was left, for greater safety in getting away with the letter.
As soon as the letter appeared in the Press the State Department officials began an effort t settle its authenticity, and when it had learned all that could be developed on this point and had been told that the Minister himself refused to deny writing it, the consideration of the action was taken up.
If Senor De Lome, the Spanish minister wrote the letter that is attributed to him he should be severely dealt with, but as the present administration seems to become suddenly afflicted with a nervous tremor whenever the name of Spain is spoken, it is not at all certain that any active steps will be taken in this matter.
Opera House Thursday Feb 10
D W Truss & Co
Announce a special tour under the direction of S Ean and Roy of Wang
Superior in its Spectacular Splendor
Hear these Songs
The Man with an Elephant o His Hands
A Pretty Girl
A Summer Night
Every Rose Must Have Its Thorn
You Must ask of the Man in the Moon
Wang’s Wonderful Elephant
The Betwiching Charms of Little Children,
Presented upon a more sumptuous Scenic Scale than ever before,
A Famous Company of 50 and a Special Orchestra
Dan Packard as Wang
Mr. Geo. W. Atwood was this morning arraigned before Judge Drysdale upon a warrant sworn out by Alfreda Pacetti, charging him with assault and batter. The trouble seems to have grown out of a purchase of hogs between the two men and the shooting of Pacetti’s dog by Atwood yesterday. The defendant pleaded guilty to a simple assault and was fined $1 and cost.
Tuesday Feb 22
For the Maine Victims
A concert will be given in the Casio Thursday evening at 7 o’clock for the benefit of the suffers of the Maine disaster under the patronage of ladies of the city and guests of the hotels. A number of visitors have volunteered their services and some home talent, promising a concert of unusually high order. Tickets on sale at all hotels. General admission 50 cents. Reserved seats $1 Plat at Casino.
The Jucklins
St Augustine’s theatre-going contingent rarely have the opportunity of enjoying so excellent and meritorious a performance as that presented by Stuart Robson and his company last night in ‘The Jucklins” at Genovar’s opera house. Mr. Robson has lost none of his old time charm and has perhaps never appeared in a character to which he is more adapted than that of ‘Lem Jucklins,’ the eccentric, but lovable old farmer with a mania for fighting chickens. Mr. Robson’s support is of the best and the stage setting of the piece all that could be desired.
Not a single cablegram was received at the Navy Dept from Havana about the Maine.
A contract has been made today by the government with the Chapman & Merrit Wrecking Co to raise the Maine. The tugs Right Arm, Jones and Monarch with one hundred men are enroute to Havana.
The House refused to adjourn today
Spain has ordered six more warships to Cuba.
Spain’s Women in Gay Colors
The contrast between the bearings of the Spanish and Cubans is strong At the funeral of the Maine’s seamen the Cuban women in the streets were almost all dressed in mourning while the Spanish women wore colors.
I went on board the Alfonso XIII, and was received politely. The only expression of regret I heard there was from an officer, who complained that the force of the Maine’s explosion had broken his toilet box. There can be no mistaking the indifference of the Spaniards in Havana over the loss of the warship and those on board. On Thursday while driving to the cemetery with two American friends, I was assailed with jeers, and someone threw a large stone at our carriage.
In the municipal court this morning Chas Reeves and Geo Adams both colored, were arraigned upon a charge of riding a tandem bicycle on King street Sunday afternoon at a speed greater than 10 miles an hour. They were fined $3 and costs each.
May 4, 1898
Mob at Santiago De Cuba
They are said to have attacked the British Consul and Killed Him. Three Warships to go there
Not Afraid of the Fever
A Proposition to Raise a force of 10,00 Immunes in the south
The Washington Post of Friday said:
Senators Caffery and McEnery, of Louisiana, have been consulting with reference to the raising of regiments of yellow fever immunes in Louisiana and other Southern States for service in Cuba The Secretary of Was has been most favorably impressed with the idea, and has already signified his intention of accepting the regiments f immunes raised by the son of General Hood, the famous Confederate commander.
The Plaza
The Plaza is one of the prettiest spots in St Augustine and a source of pride to the citizens The city pays a stipulated sum to keep it in good condition, but unless certain rules are made and adhered to regarding the park it will be always impossible to make of it the place of beauty its position merits.
For instance, on Monday during almost the entire day there were one thousand or ore colored excursionists from Jacksonville romping ver the sward and border beds and throwing broadcast lemon peel, waste paper, peanut hulls, tin cans and almost every other conceivable description of refuse So far as this was concerned it could be removed the next day, but the damage alone to the grass plats was more permanent and will take weeks to repair.
Further than this the practice of allowing the old market to be converted into a lunch and ice cream stand is one which should be discontinued. If it is to be put to such uses it had best be removed altogether. As it stands now it is cool and comfortable for those who wish to spend a short while in the shade, yet it is not and could never be made ornamental Therefore, if it is to be made a place for the dispersing of suspicious pies and other questionable edibles to colored excursionists by all means let it be razed to the ground.
C F Hopkins offers a 6-room house facing paved street, for rent at $10 per month
Jerome Avice, before the probate court this morning was fined $1 and costs or five days in jail for stealing vegetables form the garden of W W McOmber.
The Hook and Latter company are making big preparations for their picnic next Tuesday. The boys say that while the militia is away doing duty for their country they propose to give the people of this city plenty of amusement.
Notice to the Public
There will be a meeting at the court house this Wednesday, May 4th, 1898, at 8 p.m. for the purpose of arranging a program for a suitable demonstration upon the departure of our militia boys Let everybody attend
A call is hereby made for a meeting to be held at the Bucket-Brigade hall in the City building Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm. for the purpose of organizing a home guard.
Let all who are interested attend.
H. Allen
Robt. Mills
E. Boyce
Unknown date May 1898
Happenings of the Day in and Around St Augustine
Crowds gather to see them off
Three-fourth’s of the City’s Population Turn out to bid farewell to the soldiers — the Lie of March thronged with Humanity — Many affecting Scenes
It has been a great many years since St. Augustine witnessed such a demonstration as that occasion yesterday evening by the departure of the two military companies to the fort..
Early in the afternoon the people began together at the armories and on the streets, and in an hour or two it seemed as if three-fourths of the entire population was out.
About 4:30 ‘clock the two companies marched to the ort green and there had their photographs taken. They then marched back to their armories to make final preparations for departure. All of the baggage had been set to ??? to Lodge I.O.OF., marched to the opera house and the procession was formed these bodies with the East Coast Band forming an escort of honor for the troops.
The line of march o the depot was literally thronged with people, most of them bearing flags and all cheering as the soldiers passed. At the Memorial church there was an especially notable gathering who waved their colors and cheered continuous applause as the soldiers filed past to the inspiring strains of El Capitan.
Decorations of national colors marked the entire route, and at the residence of Mr. D. B. Usina hung a huge banner inscribed with the words ‘God Bless our Boys.”
When the depot was reached the leave taking began and there were many affecting scenes as the mother strained the son to her breast, and the wife clung sobbing to the soldier husband, the sister’s tearest embrace and the stern handclasp of the father as he muttered words of broken farewell to his boy. And even over to one side might be seen the fair young girl with tear lade eyes who grieves for the departure of her brave and manly soldier.
But the crowning glory of the boys departure were the magnificent floral decorations of the four extra coaches reserved for the troops The ladies had been working all day and had converted the cars into perfect floral bowers. The ladies who did the work of decoration were Mrs. Yocum, Mrs. Wakely, Miss Pearl Wakely, Mrs. Zehnbar, Miss Irene Zehabar, Miss Susie Zehnbar, Mrs. Goff, Mrs. Root, Miss Lucas, Miss Canfield, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. W. A Lynn, Miss Usina. These were assisted by Capt Joe Baker and his tow porters Phillip Walker and Ben Brown. When the train pulled out cheer after cheer ?? responded to by the boys.
It seemed also that those who could not get the station assembled at the western ends of the streets abutting on the railroad tracks and as the military train passed it was cheered to the echo.
Many a household is touched with sadness today and many a breakfast table in St Augustine was left this morning with the food untasted, but through the sadness runs the strong current of honest pride in knowledge that whatever may ensue, St. Augustine’s boys haven’t been fund wanting, but responded promptly and nobly to their country’s call.
The Herald will receive a daily bulletin from the camp at Tampa, and although the bys are far away, we will hear from them constantly
Boys are All Right
The Herald today received the following from its Tampa correspondent:
Tampa, May 13 Daily Herald
Boys arrived safely at t:30 this a.m. Camp pitched temporarily at Port Brooks Reservation, where they will remain until mustered into the United States Army, when they will be moved to Tampa Heights.
True Patriotism
At a meeting of the board of directors of the First National Bank this am., all present except Mr. E Ingraham, who is confined to this bed by a serious illness, the following resolution was adopted:
Whereas the call by the President of the US for 125,000 troops has been so patriotically respected to by the citizens of St. Augustine, that the Ancient City with a population of only 5,000 has furnished 1/4 of Florida’s quota, thereby taking away from many families their principal means of support and among the number so patriotically responding are some who in lieu of conditions existing during peace times contracted obligations with the bank, which by reason of their enlistment in the public service, cannot be met according to the tenor of the bond, It is therefore
Resoled, that the band out of its other earnings do pay the interest from time to time upon all paper of such men in the service of the country until they return once more to their peaceful vocations or until the close f the war.
Further, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the captains f the two companies from St. Augustine with request that the same be read at parade.
A lot of ammunition was hauled across the bridge yesterday for the new battery on the island.
C F. Hopkins 3rd, accompanied the troops as far as Jacksonville, returning to the train this morning
F Carcaba yesterday contributed two hundred and fifty cigars to the troops as did also F B Geovar and Bro.
Misses Hoey and Edmiister were busy yesterday afternoon pinning pansies on the coats f the bys, just before they started for the train.
Chas Hernandez left this morning for Savannah where he will spend a much needed vacation visiting relatives. Charlie was deeply disappointed at this physical rejection by his company and hopes to so gain sufficient rest to enable him to rejoin his command at the front
The ladies of the Baptist church met at the residence of Mr. T. F. Corbett yesterday afternoon for the purpose f discussing ways and means of assisting destitute Cubans.
Three of the old ex-confederate veterans noticed in line yesterday accompanying the boys to the train were Doctors Alexander and Shin and Mr. C. C. Beasley
St. May 13, 1898
It devolves upon His Honor Mayor F B Genovar to issue the call for organizing one or more companies of home guards and this he proposes t do as soon as he hears definitely from Adjutant General Houston on the subject. In the meantime let the people be patient. The Herald will announce the date and place of the meeting in do time.
St. Augustine feels the absence of her military boys very keenly and if those same bys happen to run against any Spaniards the latter will just as keenly feel their presence.
There was one member of Company ‘b’ aboard the train that had a really down-hearted and dejected look, and that man is Chas Slater. Charley came all the way with us, and since our arrival has been working like a Trojan helping erect tents & c ‘Charley’ says he is going to stick to the Light Infantry as long as he can, even if he has to pay for his own expenses.
The cakes provided by Mrs. Hamblen for the Light Infantry were opened today and were greatly enjoyed by the members f the company. The thanks of the entire organization is tendered her of her kindness.
St Augustine Rifles 87 men
St Augustine Light Infantry 88 en
May 13
News from the Boys
A Breezy Letter from the Herald Man at Tampa
The Camp None too Comfortable
The trip of the Troops to Tampa was Wearing , but the Route was marked by a Continuous Ovation – Newsy Notes of the Boys and Their Environment
Tampa, FL May 13, 1898
We arrived here this morning at 6:30 a.m. dusty and travel stained from our long journey of nearly 300 miles. The sun was blazing down with a vigor that seemed to dry up the blood in your body as we descended from the cars and started to the place designated as our camping ground, sinking every step ankle deep in dry white sand that burned our feet even through the shoes and leggings that we wore. The site selected for the camp is a high, dry level plain without a tree or shrub to protect one from the intense heat of the sun. But, however, we have plenty of shade on every side of the camp, for which we are sleepily grateful, for it would be simply impossible to remain in the tents during the heat of the day.
The trip from dear old St. Augustine was a perfect ovation, people even remaining until 9 o’clock to cheer us on our journey.
The scene at Jacksonville is said by those who saw it never to be forgotten. The boy’s hearts were still aching from the parting at St. Augustine, and when we dashed into the brilliantly illuminated Union depot at Jacksonville, the cheer that rose from the thousands of people who had gathered to say good bye to the soldier boys to better be imagined than described. I t was the same old scene over and over again, that had taken place at St. Augustine, the sobs, the tears, the hand shakes and good byes which were continuously kept up until we arrived here.
The members of the two St. Augustine companies return warm thanks to the Herald for its kindness in presenting each of them a free copy The thoughtfulness and kindness on the part of the Herald was deeply appreciated.
There was one member of Company “B”” aboard the train that had a really down-hearted and dejected look, and that man is Chas. Slater. Charley came all the way with us, and since our arrival has been working like a Trojan helping erect tents &c, Charley says he is going to stick to the Light Infantry as long as he can even if he has to pay his own expenses.
The cakes provided by Mrs. Hamblen for the Light Infantry were opened today and were greatly enjoyed by the members of the company. The thanks of the entire organization is tendered her for her kindness.
The housewives have proven to be just the article.
The different companies already assembled here, are as follows:
Gem City Guards, 89 men, Tampa Rifles: 84 me; Jacksonville Rifles, 100 men; Jacksonville Light Infantry, 89 men; Ocala Rifles 79 men; Jasper Blues, 65 men; Key West Rifles, 68 men; St. Augustine Rifles, 87 men; St Augustine Light Infantry, 88 men. The other companies are expected here this evening.
The members of the several companies are in excellent condition and fine spirits, and are ready to report to the general call whenever the occasion requires it.
The reported bombardment of Porto Rico by Sampson was received in camp by great outbursts of cheering and other patriotic demonstrations.
The bys from St. Augustine are anxiously waiting for tomorrow to come, for with it comes the Herald, and the Herald will tell them which is dearer to them than all else — St Augustine and the loved ones at home. Noel M Mier
Banks and wife left today for a few days at Tampa. They will return early next week.
Ammunition for the guns of the battery on Anastasia Island is still being hauled across the bridge.
Monday May 16
News from the Boys
Breezy letters from the Herald’s War Correspondents
Newsy Notes of the Soldiers and their doings while waiting for the call of their Country to go to the front
Tampa Florida
May 14, 1898
B Miranda of Petersburg Fla was a pleasant visitor of Capt. MacWillims today. Mr. Miranda was a member of the famous Florida Blues and left St. Augustine with them 30 years ago.
Fred W. Kettle now correspondent of the Tamp ? and Citizen was a pleasant visitor at camp headquarters today. He says the Florida regiment, in his opinion will be assigned to coast defense duty.
Father Lewis visited the camp today and informed the boys that there would be a mass at 8 a.m. especially for them. The boys will attend.
Capt W. A MacWilliams is a visitor to Port Tampa this evening.
It is said that after the regulars break camps, which will be in the near future, the Florida state troops will move over and occupy the site o which the regulars are now camped. This gives the boys universal satisfaction as the grounds are spacious, and the great pies will furnish ample protection from the fierce rays of the sun.
A great many of our boys visit the regular soldiers where 13,000 men are camped. The camp is over 7 miles long and 3 miles wide. The men are all in fine condition and say they are ready to give battle in the /? which they hope they will soon have an opportunity to do.
The boys feel very grateful to the ‘housewives”, but 30 of our boys are without them — 20 having been received from the Ladies Volunteer society and the WCTU leaving us short 30 It was thought the Light Infantry was to receive more than 33 from the WCTU and I am informed the Rifles received considerably more than their portion. M.
It was remarked by the bystanders yesterday that the detail for guard mount from the St. Augustine Light Infantry were the best soldiery set of men in the detail.
Sister Eloisa and Sister Katherie visited the St Augustine Light Infantry yesterday and were warmly greeted by the boys. Both these sisters are from St. Augustine, having left there some eight years ago. They know all the boys in Company B. They distributed beads, badges, prayer-books, etc. among the boys, and before they left they exacted a promise from nearly every member of the company to attend church today; which they did to the man.
A Herald representative this morning called upon Mayor F. B Genovar and asked his opinions regarding the call which has been published for a meeting tonight for the purpose of organizing a home guard.
The call is both premature and unwise, said His Honor, “and the meeting should not be recognized. For some time correspondence o this subject has been carried on between those in authority here and the state officials. When the proper time comes the call will be issued through the proper channels and until then any action is our of place. Further than this it may transpire that one of our military companies now at Tampa may be returned to this point, and in that event another organization would be unnecessary.
Honor B Genovar, chairman of the board of county commissioners expressed a similar opinion as to the unwisdom of holding such a meeting at this time and assured the Herald man that all preliminaries for such organization had been effected and that when the proper time should arrive they would become operative.
Lieu Butts, of the Fifth Infantry, U.S. A. n
now stationed at St. Augustine, has been named as assistant adjutant general and will probably soon be assigned to duty on some brigade staff.
To the State of North Carolina must be accorded the sad honor of having one of her sons be the first American to lose his life in the war with Spain. The Old North State’s record in the last war was one which must bring the sense of pride to everyone of her natives and she may be safely counted upon to do her full duty in the present and every future conflict as she has in the past. At the city of Charlotte then Meeklenburg, in May 20th 1775 a little band of North Carolina patriots promulgated a Declaration of Independence which antedated the famous Philadelphia document by nearly fourteen months and today the North Carolinians religiously celebrate that anniversary as regularly as it rolls around.
Private Bulletins
Mier & Dunham, the enterprising firm of grocers at the corner of St George and Hypolita streets have arranged to receive by wire daily bulletins from Tampa giving all of the news from the state camp of instruction at that point. Those who desire news from their friends at the front can get it by calling at Mier & Dunham’s.
O Thursday night, the 19th ist., will be held an entertainment under the auspices of the ladies of St. Augustine led by Mrs. J. E. Hernandez for the benefit of the militia fund. It will be held in Cordova dining room and the program will consist of literary and musical numbers, and military and other tableaux. I the latter Miss Elizabeth Woodruff will represent the Goddess of Liberty and Miss Marie Genovar as Suffering Cuba. The hall has been donated as has the gas, decorations, the printing and all other necessaries. Everyone should attend this entertainment which is for the benefit of our boys in camp.
St Augustine is said to have been favorably considered in this respect. The harbor there is deep enough for the accommodation of transports of medium draught, and as the harbor defenses at that point are said to be complete, it is probable that several thousand volunteer troops will be located there. Two or three days, it is said, will be spent in the examination of the eastern harbors.
Some of the gentlemen of this city who were only 35 and 36 before the declaration of war are now 46 and 47
A petition signed by a number of young ladies of this city has been sent to Capt T. M. Woodrull begging that he return the St. Augustine Rifles.
King Gibbs, Cooper Gibbs, Will Brown and Jack MacGonigle occupy the same tent at Tampa. This is a pretty good quartette.
Mr. Antonio B. Pomar of Oakland, this county, left for Jacksonville this morning to purchase a tomb stone to be placed o his wife-s grave in the Catholic cemetery in New Augustine. He was accompanied by his son Rudolph.
Private Joe Ximanies enjoyed a ride on a government mule yesterday through the principal streets of the city. Joe now wants o join the cavalry.
Bugler Neligan has now changed his name. He will hereafter be known as Marcus A. Hanna.
All the St. Augustine boys are well. Private Miller assisted by Private Paffe is acting cook today.
J A Ximanies is acting cook for the St. Augustine Rifles today.
The boys are getting use to soldier life — corned beef, Boston baked beans and hard bread.
Detail for guard duty yesterday, Porter Campbell, A. Drysdale, Fred Capo, A. Allen, Will Leonardy, and Ed. Biddlecom.
Officers of the day yesterday, Capt J. W. Sackett and Lieut. Dunham officer of the guard.
Monday May 16
At present we are much better fixed having hired a Negro cook and two assistants to help the cook and commissary sergeant in their duties. Our present bill of fare is:=
For breakfast
Ham (fried), eggs, (two) hominy, (someties), crackers (or bread). Coffee milk and sugar.
For dinner
Tomatoes, (stewed), cabbage, beans (all kinds and all styles), stead (or Irish stew) (tough steak) Hard tack Coffee milk and sugar.
For supper
Fish (or corn beef hash), coffee, hardtack, Hominy (seldm).
This kind of life is doing everyone a wonderful amount of good, especially the men who are worked in offices. This is certainly the case with Mr. McGriff.
Light Infantry leaves at 7 o’clock tonight for home via Palatka. They intend to disband on arrival. Resignation of officers sent to Governor. Pays examination of Rifles tomorrow 10% of troops already examined have been thrown out.
Tony Capo is prominently spoke of a s a general coast pilot for Sampson’s fleet with the rank of commodore. This morning he was presented with a handsome uniform coat resplendent with gold braid.
This is General Housto’s explanation as to the St. Augustine Light Infantry being rejected:
Being one of the first companies to enlist Captain Mac Williams was requested to fill out his ranks to the required number. This was to be done by a specified time and Company B of the Third Battalion, Captain Gray’s Pensacola boys were added to the first twelve companies, and Captain Mac Williams company was dropped. Since then Captain MacWilliams has enlisted more men, his roster in camp showing 84 in the ranks and three commissioned officers.
Merie, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ximanies, died today at 2 o’clock after a brief illness.
A rumor was this morning published to the effect that the officers of the Light Infantry had resigned because they could not pass the examination. While this was not published as truth the mere fact of its being put into print is liable to work injustice.
Light Infantries Rejection
After recruiting its ranks up to a full quota of men at considerable expense and much time and trouble the St. Augustine Light Infantry wet to Tampa to enlist in the service of the country only to be rejected upon arriving there. Many members of this company were men of family who could ill be spared from home and others were business men whose affairs suffered serious derangement by their departure. The company received a distinct promise from the state authorities that it would be included in the volunteer regiment should it swell its ranks to the require quota, and acting upon this promise its members and officers spared o effort or expense to comply with the provisions of the call, even going to the length of taking care of recruits in matter of board and lodging for a week or more.
We do not yet know the inside history of this objection, but it bears the distinct earmarks of politics and if this should prove true it is a sad commentary upon the military spirit of those who wield the authority. If the companies are to be chosen according to their preference as to who shall be colonel of the new regiment it is time for the federal government to take the reins from the state and let merit and efficiency receive recognition rather than factional partisanship
We do not know this to have been the cause of the Light Infantry’s rejection but as we said it looks very much like it o the surface and we cannot but feel that our brave boys have been treated unfairly and made the victims of underhand machinations.
The St Augustine boys wee pleased to see Cpt. and Mrs Marcotte and Mr. F. W Kettle who are staying at the Tampa Bay Hotel.
Corporal Whitney has been acting sergeant since our arrival at camp
James C Coxetter acted the first night in camp as corporal of the guard and H.M. Snow Jr. as sergeant.
When the St. Augustine Rifles march on the field private Wilson, otherwise known s Big Bill is the cause of much comment among other companies.
Private Arnold, the Adonis of the company, has been working great havoc among the belles of Tampa.
Private Stanley Genovar, Private William Carcaba, and Private Gonzales Arrondo are quite an advantage to the company owing to their proficiency in the Spanish language which makes them feel quite at home among the Cuba residents of this place.
One of the pleasant diversions of camp life is the daily concert of the Tampa Band. Several pieces being played daily before the commanding officers quarters. Such pieces s “A Hot Time in the Old Town,” “There’s a Watermelon Spooling Down at Johnson’s” and the inspiring strains of “Dixie’s” and “Columbia” recall pleasant recollections of the Ancient City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. MacGonigle will visit Tampa next week.
May 19, 1898
The Light Infantry Boys Arrive
At 11 o’clock this morning the train from Jacksonville pulled into the station with the St. Augustine Light Infantry, amid the shouts of hundreds of people who had gathered at the depot to welcome the boys home again, the band played, flags and handkerchiefs were waved and the people shouted their glad welcome.
The company was formed and marched to their armony headed by the East Coast band.
The boys received a general ovation from the depot to headquarters. After reaching the armory a vote was taken by the company that the resignation of the officer be accepted. A unanimous vote was then taken that the company disband, the handsome flag owned by the company was voted to the Captain W. A. MacWilliams..
Sixteen of the Light Infantry most of the recruits enlisted in other companies; Tom Darling enlisted with the Orlando Rifles.
Privates Mahone, Ximanies and Neligan of the St. Augustine Rifles returned with the Light Infantry.
The late friends of the St Augustine Light Infantry will give a complimentary hop at their armory on Friday evening the 10th, all are invited to attend. Music furnished by Professor Brooks.
***News has reached us that both Jack MacGonigle and Elliot Arnold have been advanced from the ranks to the position of corporal. They will both make fine looking officers, and will reflect credit upon themselves and those who promoted them.
May 26, 1898
M.T. Masters thinks very seriously of recalling his resignation as 1st Lieut. of the St. Augustine Light Infantry sent to the Governor some days since.
Through the efforts of Dr. Webb and others the entertainment in honor of the St. Augustine Light Infantry has been arranged ad will be given at Masonic Hall and the armory tomorrow (Friday) evening at 8’o’clock.
The program will consist of music, recitation, refreshments and dancing if desired.
The East Coast Band has volunteered its services as has also Mrs. Hernandez, Mrs. R. W. Kattle and others.
The company will attend in uniform and all citizens are invited. Contributions of refreshments in the way of cake, etc., may be left at the armory, Dr. Webb and others will make addresses complimenting the boys upon so readily answering the call to arms.
Let everyone attend and render the occasion a memorable one.
All those interested in our boys in camp at Tampa are requested to send donations of cookies drop cakes, and dough nuts, to the Rifles armory o Thursday afternoon from 2 to 3 o’clock. Doors please send names with packages. Mary Robertso Hernandez.
June 1
Rev J. N. MacGonigle Tells of their Camp life
The First Florida Volunteers have settled down to steady camp routine. Just now the bys are waiting for compete equipment.
The St. Augustine Rifles are now Co. G., First Florida Volunteers.
The company street is the best and cleanest in the regiment. It was interesting to see our boys grub out the palmetto roots. They did it in short order and with the skill of old farmers.
Charlie Gaillard says they did the grubbing so that Mr. Guerra, who owns the land, can grow tobacco on it for his cigar factory.
Roy Canfield and Cooper Gibbs are tanned ad sunburned and are both busy men.
When the troops arrive in St. Augustine it would be a good idea to have them march up and down Hyplita street several times and pulverize the shell recently spread on the roadway.
George Baya has sold his business on St. George street to Benny Oliveros.
June 4, 1898
Hon F. B Genovar, mayor of the city of St. Augustine and one of the most prominent and highly respected citizens of the community was yesterday summoned by telegraph to join the staff of Major General Shafter as confidential interpreter and responded by leaving a t once for Tampa.
Gen. Shafter’s selection of Mr. Genovar to fill this important position is a happy one. Mr. Genovar assumes his new duties reinforced by an experience of may years residence on the island and a thorough knowledge of the customs, habits and language of the people.
His patriotism is intense is evidenced by the remark he made before leaving St. Augustine. He said, “I pray that I may be the first to plant the stars and stripes upon the island of Cuba , even if I may be shot while spreading this banner of freedom to the breeze.
In Camp
We are waked up at 4:30 in the morning and are kept busy drilling or to company school from then until dark.
As I am a pretty good housekeeper and have arranged my tent a little more comfortably than some of the others I have a good deal of company.
Cooper Gibbs is a first rate soldier and is doing nicely. He is quite well.
I reckon our force is about the same as it was, but it seems better as our appetites are better and we are becoming more accustomed to beans and bacon. I am in town today and am going to get my ordinance at a restaurant so that I won’t have to wash my own plate when I have finished eating.
Washing clothes comes too hard for me, I tried it again, last week and had to turn the tub and contents over to another man after I had labored for an hour.
One of us here or any where else for that matter know what the troops are going to do or when they are going to move. We just sty and enjoy ourselves as much possible and don’t worry abut what is to come next. Maj. R. H Hopkis the indefatigable worker in the passenger dept of the LA N Ry was in camp on Friday and came into my tent while five of us were seated around a blanket Indian fashion playing I think they call it euchre. Mr. MacGonigle is here and is going to preach to camp this evening . I went over to M L camp last night and heard Mr. Sankey preach and sing. He sings and talks well and I am glad I heard him. I am much obliged for the package containing the Daily Herald, the boys come to my tent every evening to get them and they are all distributed in few minutes.
June 6
Off to the Front
Hon F. B. Genovar, mayor of the city of St Augustine and one of the mot prominent and highly respected citizens of the community, was yesterday summoned by telegraph to join the staff of Major General Shafter as confidential interpreter and responded by leaving at once for Tampa.
Gen. Shafter’s selection of Mr. Genovar to fill this important position is a happy one. Mr. Genovar assumes his new duties reinforced by an experience of many years residence on the island and a thorough knowledge of the customs, habits and language of the people.
His patriotism is intense, is evidenced by a remark he made before leave St Augustine. He said, “I pray that I may be the first to plant the stars and stripes upon the island of Cuba, even if I may be shot while spreading this banner of freedom to the breeze.”
In Camp
We are waked up at 4:30 in the morning and are kept busy drilling on at company school from them until dark.
As I am a pretty good housekeeper and have arranged my tent a little more comfortably than some of the others I have a good deal of company.
Cooper Gibbs is a first rate soldier and is doing nicely. He is quite well again.
I recon our food is about the same as it was, but it seems better as our appetites are better and we are becoming more accustomed to beans and bacon I am in town today and am going to get my diner at a restaurant so that I won’t have to wash my own plate when I have finished eating.
Washing clothes comes too hard for me, I tried it again, last week, and had to turn the tub and contents over to another man after I had labored for an hour.
None of us here or anywhere else for that matter know what the troop are going to do or when they are going to move. We just stay and enjoy ourselves as much possible and don’t worry about what is to come next. Maj. R. H. Hopkins the indefatigable worker is the passenger department of the L N Ry. was in camp on Friday and came into my tent while five of us were seated around a blanket Indian fashion playing I think they call it euchre. Mr. MacGonigle is here and is going to preach to camp this evening. I went over to McL. camp last night and I heard Mr. Sankey preach and sing. He sings and talks well and I am glad I heard him. I am much obliged for package containing the Daily Herald, the boys come to my tent every evening to get them and they are all distributed in a few minutes. More anon.
Quite a number of the volunteer at Jacksonville came over yesterday on the excursion, and took in the Ancient City and its beach. Some of the officers and men were heard to remark that they wished they were encamped here to enjoy the fine sea breezes and convenient sunbathing. Our town in point of healthful sea air, and bathing would undoubtedly suit them, and the Country Club ground would surpass anything in the South, having that greatest of all blessings for a camp, namely a fine solid turf.
June 8
Today Sergt D. B. Miller, hospital steward of the St. Francis barracks post, served his last term of enlistment in the US army and received his discharge papers. The steward has served his country for twenty years, eighteen and one-half years of which period he has devoted to the hospital service, and no better steward has the government in the army today. He first enlisted as a volunteer in the civil war and served until the cessation of the hostilities. His patriotism, however, is of that solid description that knows no warning and tomorrow he will reenlist and again occupy his old important post which has made him a familiar and popular military figure in St. Augustine during the past four years.
Mr. J D O’Hern is in the city today for the purpose of organizing a company of immunes to leave within the next two weeks for Porto Rico. As his authority for the organization of the company he produces the following letter:
Jacksonville Fla.,
June 7th 1898
Mr. J. D. O Hern,
St. Augustine,
You are hereby authorized to organize a company of immunes at once to consist of not less than 77 men and not more than 106 men, as soon as you have your list complete advise me by wire and a surgeon and myself will come over and make examination.
Cromwell Gibbons,
Recruiting Officer
A number of officers of the Wisconsin regiment spent yesterday in this city.
June 10
Florida Soldiers All Right
They Drill well and Regularly and Their Camp is Comfortable and Healthy Steadily They are Reaching the Standard of Regular Troops
Camp Florida looks better every day. The drill ground of the 3rd Battalion is in excellent condition. The company streets are as clean as many busy hands can keep them the general air of neatness prevails everywhere. Co. G. is doing its work splendidly and holds its own with all the others. The men all look well and the most of them are gaining flesh.
The tents are really comfortable. The floors are raised with sand, covered with dry palmetto leaves and clean hay. A small ditch around each tent keeps the floors dry even when it rains. Rubber blankets and first class wood blankets keep the men in “good shape” at night.
The bay is close enough for all hands to march in for a bath at 4:30 every morning.
The boys are all taking their rations with good appetites. Everything works smoothly now. Food comes regularly and it is well cooked although plain and of little variety. Thing from home are welcome but the boys need only the substantial and no sweets.
The complaints about lack of food are often fanciful. Sometimes, however, regiments arrive at camp by two or three trains. When the men are on one train and the food on another, naturally they don’t always connect and there is consequent delay but once the camp is settled the food is good and the meals are as regular as at an East Coast hotel.
St Augustine may well be proud of Co. G. It’s work is done well and willingly. The men are specially interested in skirmish and open order drill and firing. Target work will begin soon and Co G will sustain its record.
Great enthusiasm prevailed among both officers and men in the army of invasion. Nobody kicked except those who were chosen to stay behind.
Contrary to newspaper stories, the volunteers compare favorably with the regulars. A few weeks in camp removed every trace of the recruit in style, in appearance and carriage. The volunteer is a mighty factor and will show this value when the time comes.
Nobody need worry about the boys in camp for they are hearty and happy sleeping well and eating ravenously.
The hospital service of the 1st Florida is excellent. The surgeons are first class and the few men who do get sick get the best attention.
When it is hot in Tampa the breeze makes the camp very comfortable.
Rev J. N. MacGonigle has declined to accept the position of chaplain of the First Florida Regiment tendered him, only acting however upon advice of his physician, otherwise he would have promptly accepted. His declination will prove more than pleasing to the members of the Memorial Presbyterian Church.
A gentleman who has just arrived from Tampa says that neither Gen Shafter, Senator Genovar, or any of the 27,000 troops have left Tampa for Cuba or anywhere else, and that the presence of Spanish warships either at or in the vicinity of Havana is a great big bug-a-bu
The many friends of Dr. F. J. Ives, USA formerly located at the post here, will be gratified to learn that he has been promoted and is now chief surgeon of the Second US cavalry with the rank of major.
June 14
The Boys are all happy
Corporal Q C Gibbs Sends the following interesting letter from De Soto Park
Camp Florida De Soto Park
Tampa Fla June 12, 1898
Your correspondent has been delayed in sending notes a promised sometime since.
Since my last letter the quartermasters’ department has been very busy fitting out the regiment with uniforms, shoes etc. etc. At this time Uncle Sam has furnished us each a suit of underclothes, pair of shoes, blue shirt and uniform. These articles were very much needed and the appearance of the company is much improved by the blue uniform. The uniforms that belonged to the company before they were mustered it the service of the United States, are to be packed and shipped to St. Augustine to be taken care of until we return, if we ever do. After the uniforms were issued there was a great time in camp swapping back and forth until all were fairly well fitted. The sizes of the clothes furnished by Uncle Sam does not run the same as citizens suits. For instance a 35 coat is marked No. 1 and a 15 shirt No. 2 etc.
Major Sackett had the battalion out all of Saturday practicing battle formations. The battalion was marched about two miles and then halted. They then rested for about fifteen minutes after which they commenced the drill which continued until about 10:30. The battalion then marched back to their original position before the drill commenced and rested for two hours and a half. Each man was provided with one days rations. He ate his rations about 11:30. The major had company school for commissioned and non-commissioned officers for about an hour in the afternoon.
The battalion was then formed and two squads were sent out to act as the enemy under Corp. MacGonigle. The rest of the battalion then proceeded to form for battle and went through the entire drill of a battalion in action much to the satisfaction for the major and other officers.
The men stood the strain very well and company G ever lost a man though the company on its right had five or six dropped out from exhaustion and the other companies lost several. We covered about 20 miles during the day but to judge from the men’s appearance today they were ready for another.
One of the best things about this camp is its bathing facilities. To the right of the camp is a fine beach and the water is simply splendid. The men as a rule take a daily dip.. Though it is compulsory to bathe three times a day.
The health of the camp has been exceptionally good and the hospital corps has had no trouble in curing up the little sickness there is.
On Sundays the men are allowed to sleep until 7 o’clock. No drills on this day, except guard mount.
The men are being well fed and cared for and all in an excellent good humor. The hominy donated by Mr. Canfield and others is appreciated immensely, s the Government does not furnish this very necessary article.
Mr. Heth Canfield sent the company through Corporal Roy Canfield a barrel of the aforesaid hominy.
Owing to the fact that several articles have appeared from time to time in the paper that have been attributed to your correspondent I deem it best that I sign any notes prepared by me for publication.
Camp Personals
Mr. J. E. Igraham entertained at diner at the Tampa By Hotel today Major Woodruff Capt Howatt Lieut Foster and Lieut Howett the officers are loud in their praises of the hospitality of Mr. Igraham and he promises to grace the officers mess by his presence tomorrow. Mr. Ingraham has visited the Rifles camp quite often and takes a deep interest in the company.
Dr. F. J. Ives has been shaking hands with a lot of the boys and they are glad to hear that he has been promoted to Major. Major Ive left on the transports from Port Tampa tonight.
Capt. Howatt says he has many good soldiers in the St. Augustine Rifles that it would take a whole column to sound the praises of the individual men and says on the whole they are the best disciplined drilled courteous, and most patient company of men he has ever had any dealings with, which in the face of many hardships, tiresome marches and irksome duties all goes to show the quality of the men.
Georgia Wants Recruits
Acting Mayor Eugene Masters received today the following telegram:
Macon, Ga. June 14
Mayor of St Augustine
Please wire how many in St. Augustine will join regiment here. Transportation Furnished.
A. Blount
Recruiting Officer
Mayor Masters handed the above to the Herald for publication and desires to state that he will arrange for the transportation to Macon of such men as wish to enlist in the Georgia regiment.
June 18
The girls and young men of Mrs. S. Hamilton Day’s Sunday School class expressed prepaid yesterday to private Ralph Walker, Company G 1st Florida Volunteers, a large package. The contents consisted mostly of popular magazines, a large umber of volumes of stories by standard writers, and a few papers, enough for all the company. The members of the class and their friends who contributed were Miss Flossie Gordman, Amelia Meyer, Meadames Rolleston, Mackey, Day, and Marcotte; Messrs Frank Parkes, J. D. Home, Steves, Pasco, Erving, Smith Rezean, Davis, Larson and Gordman.
June 20
A detachment of regulars from St. Francis Barracks, numbering about 20 with tools etc. moved to the island today to man the new battery. They have rented for officers use the Stokeley cottage.
A Horrible Death
Lisbon Sessions, a son of Dan Sessions, a well known and worthy colored truck Gardner of this city, a short time ago became imbued with the spirit of war and endeavored to raise a company of volunteers among his own race. In this he was unsuccessful, but his martial ardor was not dampened, and on Friday night he left home, against the will of his mother to enlist in one of the colored regiments at Key West or Tampa.
Saturday evening while attempting to board the F C & P Train between Jacksonville and Tampa, he lost his footing in some way and several cars passed over his body, killing him instantly.
The unfortunate boy’s remains were brought to this city yesterday and interred today.
Lieut. J C. R. Foster and Sergeant Brown of Company G, First Florida Regiment, are expected here in a few days for the purpose of securing twenty new recruits for the company.
June 23
More than 500 soldiers were treated to light refreshments, consisting of lemonade, ice water and sandwiches at the Worth House on the bay, St. Augustine Sunday by Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Sackett and Mrs. Arnold. These ladies have husbands or sons in the army and navy, and have a warm spot in their hearts for all the soldier boys. The luncheons served by those ladies are free, and are given to all who call.
June 29
Camp Notes
The following is taken from the Tampa letter to the Times Union and Citizen.
Twenty days rations have been issued to the regiment. Sometime ago they received a distribution of rations which made them think they were soon to move, but the supply given out yesterday consisted of rote rations and has led them to believe that a move was in the immediate future for them.
Stanley Genovar, of Company G, was appointed orderly to the colonel yesterday, for the fourth consecutive time, Stanley has a soft soap in this line, and the boys all admit that he is ‘way up in G’.
First Sergeant Harry M Snow, of Company G is the ‘poser’ of the regiment since Uncle Sam has given the boys their new clothes.
The boys are all awaiting with interest the arrival of the recruits who are registering in Jacksonville and other points. A list of some of these new members was being enumerated in the camp yesterday, and at the mention of one or tow names the boys all said, as if in one voice, ‘Well; I’ll swear.’
July 5
The first at Tampa
Since writing you lat the regiment has been broken by the detailing of four companies to drill with heavy artillery on Tampa Heights. This move has caused a general move with the balance of the companies by straightening out the lines and reducing the front of the regiment.
The new colonel, Col. Lovell, has started in to make many improvements in the location of the officers quarters, headquarters, guardhouse, hospital, etc. which has caused a great deal of extra work in the past few days, but all now happily over.
The men of Company G (we have been called down for calling them boys as Uncle Sam says he is only enlisting men in the army now) are anxiously waiting to see who among those who always said they would respond to their country’s call, will enlist with Lieut. Foster when he calls at St. Augustine on his recruiting tour.
Major Sackett spent yesterday with us, he left for Port Tampa again this morning. He is anxious to return to his battalion.
Sergeant Reddington is endeavoring to get a furlough to go home for two days.
Private Burt Brown is making a record for himself as a well drilled and disciplined soldier
The corporals who are in charge of the kitchen police squad each day vie with each other in preparing the best meals as there are nine corporals they get a turn every nine days Cooks are changed each two weeks. Private Lidberg of Daytona, and Private Blanchard formerly of the St. Augustine Light Infantry are the cooks this month, They receive and extra pay of about $20 a month.
Dunham Coxetter since Private Pitchford’s promotion to corporal has been appointed company clerk.
The 32nd Michigan and the First Florida Regiments will play ball on the 4th of July. Corporal MacGonigle, Privates Harry Davis and Gonzales Arronda of Company G are playing on the First Florida team.
Private Guerry Goode’s friends will be glad to know that he is well and enjoying him self.
Privates Chas. Gaillard, Stanley Genovar and James Coxetter have a dead easy thing in getting orderly. They always secure this coveted position and it is said they have the adjutant hoo dooed.
All our men from West Palm Beach make good soldiers, they never complain and are hard workers and drill well.
The Rifles have one deserter, a young man who enlisted in Tampa by the name of Garron Lee. Capt Howatt has located him at Clearwater Harbor, where is reportedly sick. He will probably be secured shortly.
Private Wallace Leonardy and his friend Private A. J. Borwn from Osteen, Fla, are making a good record for themselves and are very anxious to get to the front.
Our men from Daytona occasionally receive barrel of good figs from home which of course they divide with their comrades.
Artificer Ed. Myers is certainly a handy man and is always in demand to fix a gun, belt or pistol, arrange targets at the range and do a thousand other things required of an artificer.
Private A. J. Paffe spends all his spare time in altering uniforms for officers and men.
Musicians Ricks and Wyllie are fine buglers now, and Capt. Howatt has the company drilled entirely by bugle call once a day in extended order formation.
Private Ralph Walker has gained 10 pounds since he left St. Augustine and is enthusiastic over the prospect of a trip to Cuba or Porto Rico.
Private Yarborough usually drills next to ‘Big Six’ Wilson and has stretched an inch in trying to see over Wilson’s shoulder.
Today Capt. Howatt sent Corp. Arnold with Privates Frank Palmer, Burt Borwn, J Coxetter, S. Genovar, as the enemy 500 yards away from the company, and instructed them to advance on the company and try to avoid exposing themselves as much as possible and to fire on the company whenever they could see them The company entrenched themselves behind the railroad track and set out scouts to try and locate the enemy, the ground was very favorable for concealment. The enemy stuck palmetto leaves and small branches in their hats and clothes and crawled from tree to tree and took advantage of every formation to conceal themselves. When they were finally discovered only 150 yards away from the company Genovar and Palmer were on the roof of a small house and claimed they had shot over 20 of the company, although every man in the company who was wounded behind the railroad embankment said they had shot them time and again. Lieut. Howatt with a field glass aided in locating them several times and had sharpshooters fire on them. All the men voted the exercise very instructive and want more of it.
Hammocks for sleeping o the transports have been issued t all the men and they are utilizing them in every conceivable way in their tent and last night I counted 18 swinging from under the mess sheet. The men claim they are better than sleeping on the ground.
Here and There
The captain of the Rough Riders at Jacksonville is a grandson of Brigham Young.
Captain Alex Iwanowski Passes away this Morning
Capt Aalex Iwanowski died this morning at 8 o’clock of a complication of diseases after an illness extending over a period of several months.
Capt. Iwanowski was born in Palatka about 58 years ago, but has lived for many years in this city with whose interests he has been closely identified. He served the people in the capacity of alderman a number of terms and brought to the administration of public affairs a keen and far-seeing intellect coupled with a conscientious devotion to the good of the city and the welfare of the people. With an almost inexhaustible fund of humor and love for the companionship of his fellow man he numbered his friends by legion.
The funeral will be held from the Cathedral tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock. Father Maher officiating. The following will act as pall bearers: Councilman M. T. Masters, A. J. Watts, E. W. McBride, E. E. Boyce and Messrs J. H. Lynn and W. S. M. Pinkham. The council will hold no special meeting tonight through respect to the deceased.
Charles Slater provided for and fed 405 soldiers on Sunday.
July 12
This community is sorrowful owing to the death of Miss Minie Stephens. The funeral of the deceased took place on Sunday last, attended by a large and sad number of friends.
At Rest
Dr Edward Lindsley, formerly of Morristown, J. J., died last night at the residence of his son Dr. Horace Lidsley at the advanced age of ninety one, He has been a great invalid for four years. The interment will take place at New Vernon New Jersey, the family burying place. No services will be held here.
Everything was done that medical skill could devise, but owing to his extreme old age he could not wage longer the battle for life.
Mrs. Lindsley will accompany the remains north tomorrow. In speaking of his father Dr. Lindsley said: ‘My father celebrated his fiftieth birthday by marrying his first and present wife, she being at the time not quite 20 years old.
The residents of Jacksonville are pretty well exercised over a rumor to the effect that the cavalry of Rough Riders are to be moved to St. Augustine. The rumor, however, lacks confirmation.
Willie Brown received a letter from one of the boys at Tampa yesterday in which he stated that they had been paid off, and that they all chipped in and had an old fashioned chicken pilau.
Lieutenant J. C. R. Foster of the First Florida Regiment, who is in the city on recruiting duty, lost his pocketbook in the toilet room at the Placid Hotel yesterday. The pocketbook was off red leather, and contained between $80 and $90 in money, besides valuable papers and other things. He is willing to divide the money if the pocket book shall be returned to him, with the papers, and no questions will be asked. Times Union and Citizen
July 16
John Edwards, a colored man died at Alicia Hospital last night of consumption.
The Hook and Ladder Company will give another dance on Tuesday evening at the Armory of the St. Augustine Light Infantry. They want to realize money enough to buy caps for the company.
Six hundred soldiers and a North Carolina band came in from Jacksonville this morning. They rode in the baggage car on top of the car and any where they could hang on, when the train stopped many of them didn’t wait to come through the door but jumped through the widows in order to get out.
The action of a soldier in the Jacksonville camp of maliciously throwing a handful of quick lime in a little Negro boy’s face should meet with severe punishment at the hands of the civil authorities.
The following item is taken from the Wilmington North Carolina Star: “It is said that ‘ the colored troops fought nobly’ at Santiago. This gives color to the proceedings and shows that when fighting is to be done the color line doesn’t keep the fighters out any more than the wire fence does.
July 18
Tar Heals Here
Two Companies of North Carolinians Arrive Today
Companies C and I Second Regiment North Carolina Volunteers arrived in St Augustine this morning to relieve that portion of the Fifth U.S. infantry which will leave this afternoon.
The two volunteer companies arrived on a special train at the block and marched directly to the barracks.
The two companies number 206 men outside of about a dozen sick left behind who will reach here soon.
Maj. John
Cotton, of the Third Battalion is in command. The officers of Company ? Capt Jones and second lieutenant Davis, Company I. Capt. Jeffreys 1st Lieutenant and adjutant F. Jekins and 2nd lieutenant B. J. Wotten.
Maj. Cotton this morning visited the island fortifications with Capt. Miller ad afterwards the government property at the post was turned over to the new arrivals.
After 500 soldiers went in bathing yesterday at South Beach, dressed in nothing but smiles and sunshine, Mr. E. F Joyce who resides with his family at South Beach entered a protest, but he was not in it a little bit.
The Sheriff’s Close Call
He is Mobbed by a Thousand Soldiers Yesterday
Sheriff Davis had a close call yesterday and only escaped being roughly handled by a mob of about one thousand volunteers through his coolness and persuasive manner of talking.
He was endeavoring to protect and assist Officer Benet who had made an arrest and who was followed by hundreds of soldiers intent upon rescuing their comrade from the clutches of the law. Officer Benet was game and held to his man in the face of threats of lynching and every other species of condign punishment. In the meantime Sheriff Davis was having his hands full attempting to keep the constantly swelling mob off the policeman and his prisoner.
His efforts, however, were unsuccessful, as many of the soldiers rushed by the sheriff and throwing themselves upon Officer
Benet bore him to the ground. The policeman hung to his prisoner and when he emerged from the melee he still had his an in a firm grasp.
But Bravery did to cunt against odds and the prisoner was finally liberated.
Still the now thoroughly aroused soldiers did not care to give us the sheriff whom they considered legimate game ad they crowed around him by hundreds calling for a rope with which to make a temporary necktie for him.
But the sheriff stood them off successfully and finally the mob quieted and dispersed.
All this happened on peaceful Charlotte street.
Barbarous Vandalism
We blush today for the volunteer troops of the army. Over two thousand of them came to St. Augustine yesterday and their conduct was such that brought disgrace to the uniform they wore and stamped them as roughs, rowdies and vandals, unworthy of the name of citizen.
A boisterous exuberance can be excused, but rifling the tombs of the dead and desecrating the altar of religious worship is carrying license into barbarism, and this is what was doe in St. Augustine yesterday. Shame upon the misnomer that cloaks such deeds under the name of manhood. If these same hoodlums were placed face to face with the enemy before Santiago their coward cheeks would blanch with fear and their craven limbs tremble beneath them. They are only fit for looting and pillage, not for the stern realities of war and danger.
How humiliated their decent comrades must have felt yesterday when they witnessed the disgraceful scenes enacted. Powerless to prove t, yet compelled to share more or less of the stigma attaching theirs was a portion of shame not to be envied.
The volunteers as a body are men of sterling worth, but St. Augustine seemed yesterday to be unfortunate in entertaining the off scouring of the camp at Jacksonville. For the acts of lawlessness and vandalism committed here there can be no excuse, and every effort should be made by the civil authorities to brig the offenders to punishment. This should be an easy matter if the military authorities co-operate.
Private Brown of the St. Augustine Rifles has arrived here from Tampa quite sick.
The Florida regiment now at Tampa expect to be removed to Atlanta this week. The boys will be glad of the transfer.
It is estimated that the troops here yesterday spent $5000.
There were about 300 troops here yesterday.
The Valencia hotel, we are informed, lost considerable silverware yesterday.
George McOmber’s barber pole was carried from his place of business to the depot.
1200 soldiers passed over the South Beach railway to South Beach yesterday.
One fellow carried off a large hall lamp with the chain and all other appliances.
One of the boys in uniform who was pretty well tanked up fell over board, which had the effect of sobering him up considerably.
The soldiers endeavored to take charge of the steamer Hustler yesterday, but were prevented from doing so by her owner Capt. G. W. Corbett.
Capt Eddie Allen took a crowd of the visiting soldiers out in the Ebe Baldwin yesterday and had all he could do to restrain them from assuming command of the boat.
The girls should take pity on the soldiers and not ask them for any more buttons. It is said that one poor fellow was obliged to use a safety pin in keeping his coat closed.
Mrs. Munson has been obliged to close her doors against the soldiers coming over here on account of their indiscriminate stealing. She says they have stolen nearly all of her silverware.
Dr. J. K. Raincy drove up to the Memorial Presbyterian church with an officer or two to show them the interior of the church, and when coming out the horse and buggy was no where in sight. Just before the train left he found the team at the depot where the soldiers who had taken it left it.
A hack crowded with soldiers and driven by Eddie Irwin collapsed near the city gates yesterday, throwing the occupants over the dash board to the ground.
One f the soldiers yesterday said to Albert Mickler, ‘My fried, here is a fan that you may have, it is no use to me’ Albert declined to accept it until the soldier said again: ‘take it you never know what so soldier has until you examine his shirt boom.’ Mr. Mickler says upon this, the man opened his shirt, ad on so doing, exhibited a veritable curiosity shop, orange wood, knives for cutting paper and all sorts of things. There is no accurate estimate that can be made of the loss sustained by the curio dealers yesterday.
The soldier confined in the city jail last night for striking another soldier in the face with a pistol was not tried in the municipal court by delivered to J. A. Robertson of the Rough Riders who accompanied him to Jacksonville on the morning train The prisoner on getting down stairs reached into his sock and pulled out a roll of bills which he quickly deposited in his pocket.
July 19
News from the Boys
With the first in camp at Tampa
In Camp Tampa Fla July 17thth 1898 We have been literally flooded out for the past week. A couple of days dry weather however, has allowed the water to sink into the ground and at present it is to as wet as it was a few days ago. The water is very near the surface and it will not take much more rain to brig it to the top for the ground. When this occurs, and perhaps sooner, we will have to be moved. Old residents in this vicinity say that during the rainy season (later part of June until the latter part of fall) the water is a foot and a foot and a half deep all over the present situation of our camp Some of these people also say that they have frequently shot ducks in the ponds that were formed by the rain. There seems to be considerable difference of opinion as to our next move. Some claim we will go aboard transports, others that we will go to Fernandina or Jacksonville and still others that we will move to
Tampa Heights. The latter is far the most probable ad will no doubt occur in a very short time.
An order was read at dress parade day before yesterday with regard to the laxity of discipline in the Volunteer regiments and now the Colonel has cautioned the men to show more respect to commissioned officers, etc. This will come pretty hard on the men and a one of the officers said ‘I have been associating with the men in my company all my life and I do not like to stop it now or words to that effect.
Col Lovell is bring the regiment up to a high standard of discipline and it will not be long before it will be one of the best in the service.
The me of this regiment ad Company G in particular are very much disappointed over the fact that they were not sent to the front with the first lot of troops. It seems a queer thing that there are no Southern regiments in the field. Every victory seems to make our chances less of ever getting to the front.
Only one death has occurred in the company. Private E. J. Owen of Jacksonville. He died at the Division Hospital on the 12th, inst. of typhoid fever. His case was a very sad one. He left a good position in Jacksonville, and enlisted in the company about a month ago. He was taken sick shortly after his arrival, and after a very brief illness passed away. His body was embalmed and shipped home. The pallbearers were six men from the first set of fours. A guard of eight men and a Corporal, and the entire Company escorted the remains from the undertakers in the train.
Private Frank Palmer received the sad information that his Father was dead. He applied for, and received a leave of absence for seven days. He returned to camp yesterday.
Private Arrondo was one of the happiest men in camp when he received his leave of absence yesterday. He is no doubt having a royal good time in St. Augustine today.
Company G has received a number of recruits in the last ten days. Some of these have been sent by the recruiting officers, and several others have been recruited here. The names of some of these men are: Walter Mickler, Peter Pomar, Burt Thompson, Roy Beverly and Henry Nelligan, who has been appointed bugler.
We drill three hours every day, besides dress parade.
What is the matter with the woman’s commissary?
Private W. L. Burton is getting fat o Uncle Sam’s food. It seems to be agreeing with him. The same can be said of Private Walker and Gatllard.
Priv. W. L Brown says if the water continues to rise he will certainly start a navigation company. He is confident of making quite a fortune conveying persons to and from the mess shed. He has not opened bids for steamers yet.
Private Burt Yarborough is proud of his title. ‘The champion ditch digger of G street,’ and every tie there is a ditch to be dug, you are sure to find him ready with shovel and grubbing hoe.— George Cooper Gibbs Cor..
In Our Hands
It has been stated that a petition is being circulated requesting the railroad company to rescind the special rate for soldiers from Jacksonville to St. Augustine.
The Herald is in a position to state authoritatively that the railroad company will take off this rate immediately if the people of this city so desire. But we do not believe that such is the general sentiment. The soldiers, when they visit this city, spend a large amount of money, and although on Sunday last a few of them because lawless and boisterous in the mail they were quiet and gentlemanly.
Furthermore we have now over two hundred volunteers permanently stationed here and these are amply able to keep in order any number of those who come over from the Jacksonville camp. Let all come who will we do not believe that scenes of last Sunday will be repeated.
Lieutenant Cocran, son of Col. Cochran US Army, is visiting friends in this city.
Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Jao. Myers and Mrs. J.W. Sackett have provided at their home o the bay refreshments for the visiting soldiers to this city, and from the first day of their arrival, up to the present time they have had at their home three thousand five hundred of these me , and have yet to know of the first instance in which they have lost even a sprig of grass, not withstanding the fact that they had on their side-board solid silver spoons, forks etc. Out of the 3500 not more than four have bee in the least intoxicated.
Will Keep them Quiet
Major Cotto now in command of the post here, in conversation with a Herald representative yesterday stated that so long as he remains here with his menthe lawless scenes of Sunday will not again be reenacted. He is ready and willing to patrol the city with a provost guard, a hundred me with loaded guns, if necessary to keep the community in order so far as the volunteer soldiery goes.
Edgar Pomar has enrolled his name upon the enlistment books of the First Florida regiment. Edgar will made a good soldier and will doubtless return from Porto Rico covered with glory.
Word has just been received in this city that William Miller, well known in this city being a member of Harmony Lodge No. 44, Knight of Pythias, was shot in the leg a few days since while engaged in battle at Santiago. He remained in the trenches several hours with the rain pouring down o him most of the time, and when finally picket up he was almost paralyzed. It will be gratifying to his many friends in this city to know that he is now in the hospital at Norfolk VA where he will receive every attention.
Mrs. Frazier of the Valencia hotel requests us to state through the columns of the Herald that the soldiers who have been entertained at her house have all conducted themselves in the best gentlemanly manner, and nothing has been take away by them that did not belong to them.
Corporal G. C. Gibbs of Company G. First Florida Regiment, had stolen from his pocket at camp a few days since a crisp ten dollar bill. This is too bad, for as rule the boys don’t have many of those to lose.
If Father Maher is going to take up the matter referred to in the Herald of yesterday relative to the desecration of the Catholic cemetery I would suggest that he take among the first the hack man who took the soldiers there and told them it was the resting place of dead Spaniards. A reader.
July 21
During the absence of Capt MacWilliams Lieut Masters is in command of the St Augustine Light Infantry. Lieut. Masters said this morning we will meet on Tuesday night and will be glad to receive any recruits who may desire to join.
Did not materialize
The large excursion that was expected fro Jacksonville this morning did not materialize in fact smaller umber than usual came over and as a consequence a number of citizens who had provided ice cream, sandwiches and other refreshments for sale to the hungry soldiers will loose to a considerable amount. This is to be regretted, as few of us are able to stand ay pecuniary loss, however small.
Whether or not the failure of the crowd to come will interfere with the programme of sports said to be arranged for the afternoon it is impossible to learn at this hour, but certain it is that all will have an opportunity to cool off at the beach without being subject to the presence of hundreds of fu seeking soldiers. The usual half-rate far to Jack Mound puts this pleasant trip within easy reach.
The Florida Troops arrived at Fernandina this morning, the delay was due to the fact that they had to cope with hot boxes all the way from Tampa to their destination
July 28
Mayor Genovar Returns
Mayor F. B. Genovar returned to the city yesterday afternoon and was driven directly to his residence on Charlotte street where he could only receive last evening his ear relatives.
Mayor Genovar was acting in the capacity of interpreter on General Shafter’s staff and after the land and naval battles around Santiago, during which he worked heroically in helping to care for the wounded and bury the dead, he was taken ill with fever himself and was sent North with hundreds of other sick and wounded on the transport Seneca.
Arriving at New York the vessel was kept in quarantine ten days, after which Mr. Genovar returned to his home as soon as he was able to travel.
His nervous system has received a severe shock in the awful scenes he has witnessed and it will be several days before he is strong enough to receive his friend.
June 6
Off to the Front
Hon F. B. Genovar, mayor of the city of St Augustine and one of the most prominent and highly respected citizens of the community, was yesterday summoned by telegraph to join the staff of Major General Shafter as confidential interpreter and responded by leaving at once for Tampa.
Gen. Shafter’s selection of Mr. Genovar to fill this important position is a happy one. Mr. Genovar assumes his new duties reinforced by an experience of many years residence on the island and a thorough knowledge of the customs, habits and language of the people.
His patriotism is intense, is evidenced by a remark he made before leave St Augustine. He said, “I pray that I may be the first to plant the stars and stripes upon the island of Cuba, even if I may be shot while spreading this banner of freedom to the breeze.”
In Camp
We are waked up at 4:30 in the morning and are kept busy drilling on at company school from then until dark.
As I am a pretty good housekeeper and have arranged my tent a little more comfortably than some of the others I have a good deal of company.
Cooper Gibbs is a first rate soldier and is doing nicely. He is quite well again.
I reckon our food is about the same as it was, but it seems better as our appetites are better and we are becoming more accustomed to beans and bacon I am in town today and am going to get my diner at a restaurant so that I won’t have to wash my own plate when I have finished eating.
Washing clothes comes too hard for me, I tried it again, last week, and had to turn the tub and contents over to another man after I had labored for an hour.
None of us here or anywhere else for that matter know what the troop are going to do or when they are going to move. We just stay and enjoy ourselves as much possible and don’t worry about what is to come next. Maj. R. H. Hopkins the indefatigable worker is the passenger department of the L N Ry. was in camp on Friday and came into my tent while five of us were seated around a blanket Indian fashion playing I think they call it euchre. Mr. MacGonigle is here and is going to preach to camp this evening. I went over to McL. camp last night and I heard Mr Sankey preach and sing. He sings and talks well and I am glad I heard him. I am much obliged for package containing the Daily Herald, the boys come to my tent every evening to get them and they are all distributed in a few minutes. More anom.
Quite a number of the volunteers at Jacksonville came over yesterday on the excursion, and took in the Ancient City and its beach. Some of the officers and men were heard to remark that they wished they were encamped here to enjoy the fine sea breezes and convenient sunbathing. Our town in point of healthful sea air, and bathing would undoubtedly suit them, and the Country Club ground would surpass anything in the South, having that greatest of all blessings for a camp, namely a fine solid turf
June 8
Today Sergt D. B. Miller, hospital steward of the St. Francis barracks post, served his last term of enlistment in the US army and received his discharge papers. The steward has served his country for twenty years, eighteen and one-half years of which period he has devoted to the hospital service, and no better steward has the government in the army today. He first enlisted as a volunteer in the civil war and served until the cessation of the hostilities. His patriotism, however, is of that solid description that knows no warning and tomorrow he will reenlist and again occupy his old important post which has made him a familiar and popular military figure in St. Augustine during the past four years.
Mr. J D O’Hern is in the city today for the purpose of organizing a company of immunes to leave within the next two weeks for Porto Rico. As his authority for the organization of the company he produces the following letter:
Jacksonville Fla.,
June 7 1898
Mr. J. D. O Hern,
St. Augustine,
You are hereby authorized to organize a company of immunes at once to consist of not less than 77 men and not more than 106 men, as soon as you have your list complete advise me by wire and a surgeon and myself will come over and make examination.
Cromwell Gibbons,
Recruiting Officer
A number of officers of the Wisconsin regiment spent yesterday in this city.
June 10
Florida Soldiers All Right
They Drill well and Regularly and Their Camp is Comfortable and Healthy Steadily They are Reaching the Standard of Regular Troops
Camp Florida looks better every day. The drill ground of the 3rd Battalion is in excellent condition. The company streets are as clean as many busy hands can keep them The general air of neatness prevails everywhere. Co. G. is doing its work splendidly and holds its own with all the others. The men all look well and the most of them are gaining flesh.
The tents are really comfortable. The floors are raised with sand, covered with dry palmetto leafs and clean hay. A small ditch around each tent keeps the floors dry even when it rains. Rubber blankets and first class wood blankets keep the men in “good shape” at night.
The bay is close enough for all hands to march in for a bath at 4:30 every morning.
The boys are all taking their rations with good appetites. Everything works smoothly now. Food comes regularly and it is well cooked although plain and of little variety. Thing from home are welcome but the boys need only the substantial and no sweets.
The complaints about lack of food are often fanciful. Sometimes, however, regiments arrive at camp by two or three trains. When the men are on one train and the food on another, naturally they don’t always connect and there is consequent delay but once the camp is settled the food is good and the meals are as regular as at an East Coast hotel.
St Augustine may well be proud of Co. G. It’s work is done well and willingly. The men are especially interested in skirmish and open order drill and firing. Target work will begin soon and Co G will sustain its record.
Great enthusiasm prevailed among both officers and men in the army of invasion. Nobody kicked except those who were chosen to stay behind.
Contrary to newspaper stories, the volunteers compare favorably with the regulars. A few weeks in camp removed every trace of the recruit in style, in appearance and carriage..The volunteer is a mighty factor and will show this true when the time comes.
Nobody need worry about the boys in camp for they are hearty and happy sleeping well and eating ravenously.
The hospital service of the 1st Florida is excellent. The surgeons are first class and the few men who do get sick get the best attention.
When it is hot in Tampa the breeze makes the camp very comfortable.
Rev J. N. MacGonigle has declined to accept the position of chaplain of the First Florida Regiment tendered him, only acting however upon advice of his physician, otherwise he would have promptly accepted. His declination will prove more than pleasing to the members of the Memorial Presbyterian Church.
A gentleman who has just arrived from Tampa says that neither Gen Shafter, Senator Genovar, or any of the 27,000 troops have left Tampa for Cuba or anywhere else, and that the presence of Spanish warships either at or in the vicinity of Havana is a great big bug-a-bu
The many friends of Dr. F. J. Ives, USA formerly located at the post here, will be gratified to learn that he has been promoted and is now chief surgeon of the Second US cavalry with the rank of major.
June 14
The Boys are all happy
Corporal Q C Gibbs Sends the following interesting letter from De Soto Park
Camp Florida De Soto Park
Tampa Fla June 12, 1898
Your correspondent has been delayed in sending notes a promised sometime since.
Since my last letter the quartermasters’ department has been very busy fitting out the regiment with uniforms, shoes etc. etc. At this time Uncle Sam has furnished us each a suit of underclothes, pair of shoes, blue shirt and uniform. These articles were very much needed and the appearance of the company is much improved by the blue uniform. The uniforms that belonged to the company before they were mustered it the service of the United States, are to be packed and shipped to St. Augustine to be taken care of until we return, if we ever do. After the uniforms were issued there was a great time in camp swapping back and forth until all were fairly well fitted. The sizes of the clothes furnished by Uncle Sam does not run the same as citizens suits. For instance a 35 coat is marked No. 1 and a 15 shirt No. 2 etc.
Major Sackett had the battalion out all of Saturday practicing battle formations. The battalion was marched about two miles and then halted. They then rested for about fifteen minutes after which they commenced the drill which continued until about 10:30. The battalion then marched back to their original position before the drill commenced and rested for two hours and a half. Each man was provided with one days rations. He ate his rations about 11:30. The major had company school for commissioned and non-commissioned officers for about an hour in the afternoon.
The battalion was then formed and two squads were sent out to act as the enemy under Corp. MacGonigle. The rest of the battalion then proceeded to form for battle and went through the entire drill of a battalion in action much to the satisfaction of the major and other officers.
The men stood the strain very well and company G ever lost a man though the company on its right had five or six dropped out from exhaustion and the other companies lost several. We covered about 20 miles during the day but to judge from the men’s appearance today they were ready for another.
One of the best things about this camp is its bathing facilities. To the right of the camp is a fine beach and the water is simply splendid. The men as a rule take a daily dip.. Though it is compulsory to bathe three times a day.
The health of the camp has been exceptionally good and the hospital corps has had no trouble in curing up the little sickness there is.
On Sundays the men are allowed to sleep until 7 o’clock. No drills on this day, except guard mount.
The men are being well fed and cared for and all in an excellent good humor. The hominy donated by Mr Canfield and others is appreciated immensely, s the Government does not furnish this very necessary article.
Mr. Heth Canfield sent the company through Corporal Roy Canfield
a barrel of the aforesaid hominy.
Owing to the fact that several articles have appeared from time to time in the paper that have been attributed to your correspondent I deem it best that I sign any notes prepared by me for publication.
Camp Personals
Mr. J. E. Igraham entertained at diner at the Tampa Bay Hotel today Major Woodruff , Capt Howatt, Lieut Foster and Lieut Howett the officers are loud in their praises of the hospitality of Mr. Igraham and he promises to grace the officers mess by his presence tomorrow. Mr. Ingraham has visited the Rifles camp quite often and takes a deep interest in the company.
Dr. F. J. Ives has been shaking hands with a lot of the boys and they are glad to hear that he has been promoted to Major. Major Ives left on the transports from Port Tampa tonight.
Capt. Howatt says he has many good soldiers in the St. Augustine Rifles that it would take a whole column to sound the praises of the individual men and says on the whole they are the best disciplined drilled courteous, and most patient company of men he has ever had any dealings with, which in the face of many hardships, tiresome marches and irksome duties all goes to show the quality of the men.
Georgia Wants Recruits
Acting Mayor Eugene Masters received today the following telegram:
Macon, Ga. June 14
Mayor of St Augustine
Please wire how many in St. Augustine will join regiment here. Transportation Furnished.
A. Blount
Recruiting Officer
Mayor Masters handed the above to the Herald for publication and desires to state what he will arrange for the transportation to Macon of such men as wish to enlist in the Georgia regiment.
June 18
The girls and young men of Mrs. S. Hamilton Day’s Sunday School class expressed prepaid yesterday to private Ralph Walker, Company G 1st Florida Volunteers, a large package. The contents consisted mostly of popular magazines, a large number of volumes of stories by standard writers, and a few papers, enough for all the company. The members of the class and their friends who contributed were Miss Flossie Gordman, Amelia Meyer, Meadames Rolleston, Mackey, Day, and Marcotte; Messrs Frank Parkes, J. D. Home, Steves, Pasco, Erving, Smith, Rezean, Davis, Larson and Gordman.
June 20
A detachment of regulars from St. Francis Barracks, numbering about 20 with tools etc. moved to the island today to man the new battery. They have rented for officers use the Stokeley cottage.
A Horrible Death
Lisbon Sessions, a son of Dan Sessions, a well known and worthy colored truck gardener of this city, a short time ago became imbued with the spirit of war and endeavored to raise a company of volunteers among his own race. In this he was unsuccessful, but his martial ardor was not dampened, and on Friday night he left home, against the will of his mother to enlist in one of the colored regiments at Key West or Tampa.
Saturday evening while attempting to board the F C & P Train between Jacksonville and Tampa, he lost his footing in some way and several cars passed over his body, killing him instantly.
The unfortunate boy’s remains were brought to this city yesterday and interred today.
Lieut. J C. R. Foster and Sergeant Brown of Company G, First Florida Regiment, are expected here in a few days for the purpose of securing twenty new recruits for the company.
June 23
More than 500 soldiers were treated to light refreshments, consisting of lemonade, ice water and sandwiches at the Worth House on the bay, St. Augustine Sunday by Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Sackett and Mrs. Arnold. These ladies have husbands or sons in the army and navy, and have a warm spot in their hearts for all the soldier boys. The luncheons served by those ladies are free, and are given to all who call.
June 29
Camp Notes
The following is taken from the Tampa letter to the Times Union and Citizen.
Twenty days rations has been issued to the regiment. Sometime ago they received a distribution of rations which made them think they were soon to move, but the supply given out yesterday consisted of rations and has led them to believe that a move was in the immediate future for them.
Stanley Genovar, of Company G, was appointed orderly to the colonel yesterday, for the fourth consecutive time, Stanley has a soft soap in this line, and the boys all admit that he is ‘way up in G’.
First Sergeant Harry M Snow, of Company G is the ‘poser’ of the regiment since Uncle Sam has given the boys their new clothes.
The boys are all awaiting with interest the arrival of the recruits who are registering in Jacksonville and other points. A list of some of these new members was being enumerated in the camp yesterday, and at the mention of one or tow names the boys all said, as if in one voice, ‘Well; I’ll swear.’
July 5
The first at Tampa
Since writing you last the regiment has been broken by the detailing of four companies to drill with heavy artillery on Tampa Heights. This move has caused a general move with the balance of the companies by straightening out the lines and reducing the front of the regiment.
The new colonel, Col. Lovell, has started in to make many improvements in the location of the officers quarters, headquarters, guardhouse, hospital, etc. which has caused a great deal of extra work in the past few days, but all now happily over.
The men of Company G (we have been called down for calling them boys as Uncle Sam says he is only enlisting men in the army now) are anxiously waiting to see who among those who always said they would respond to their country’s call, will enlist with Lieut. Foster when he calls at St. Augustine on his recruiting tour.
Major Sackett spent yesterday with us, he left for Port Tampa again this morning. He is anxious to return to his battalion.
Sergeant Reddington is endeavoring to get a furlough to go home for two days.
Private Burt Brown is making a record for himself as a well drilled and disciplined soldier
The corporals who are in charge of the kitchen police squad each day vie with each other in preparing the best meals as there are nine corporals they get a turn every nine days Cooks are changed each two weeks. Private Lidberg of Daytona, and Private Blanchard formerly of the St. Augustine Light Infantry are the cooks this month, They receive and extra pay of about $20 a month.
Dunham Coxetter since Private Pitchford’s promotion to corporal has been appointed company clerk.
The 32nd Michigan and the First Florida Regiments will play ball on the 4th of July. Corporal MacGonigle, Privates Harry Davis and Gonzales Arronda of Company G are playing on the First Florida team.
Private Guerry Goode’s friends will be glad to know that he is well and enjoying him self.
Privates Chas. Gaillard, Stanley Genovar and James Coxetter have a dead easy thing in getting orderly. They always secure this coveted position and it is said they have the adjutant hoo dooed.
All our men from West Palm Beach make good soldiers, they never complain and are hard workers and drill well.
The Rifles have one deserter, a young man who enlisted in Tampa by the name of Garron Lee. Capt Howatt has located him at Clearwater Harbor, where he is reportedly sick. He will probably be secured shortly.
Private Wallace Leonardy and his friend Private A. J. Brown from Osteen, Fla, are making a good record for themselves and are very anxious to get to the front.
Our men from Daytona occasionally receive barrel of good things from home which of course they divide with their comrades.
Artificer Ed. Myers is certainly a handy man and is always in demand to fix a gun, belt or pistol, arrange targets at the range and do a thousand other things required of an artificer.
Private A. J. Paffe spends all his spare time in altering uniforms for officers and men.
Musicians Ricks and Wyllie are fine buglers now, and Capt. Howatt has the company drilled entirely by bugle call once a day in extended order formation.
Private Ralph Walker has gained 10 pounds since he left St. Augustine and is enthusiastic over the prospect of a trip to Cuba or Porto Rico.
Private Yarborough usually drills next to ‘Big Six’ Wilson and has stretched an inch in trying to see over Wilson’s shoulder.
Today Capt. Howatt sent Corp. Arnold with Privates Frank Palmer, Burt Borwn, J Coxetter, S. Genovar, as the enemy 500 yards away from the company, and instructed them to advance on the company and try to avoid exposing themselves as much as possible and to fire on the company whenever they could see them. The company entrenched themselves behind the railroad track and set out scouts to try and locate the enemy, the ground was very favorable for concealment. The enemy stuck palmetto leaves and small branches in their hats and clothes and crawled from tree to tree and took advantage of every formation to conceal themselves. When they were finally discovered only 150 yards away from the company Genovar and Palmer were on the roof of a small house and claimed they had shot over 20 of the company, although every man in the company who was wounded behind the railroad embankment said they had shot them time and again. Lieut. Howatt with a field glass aided in locating them several times and had sharpshooters fire on them. All the men voted the exercise very instructive and want more of it.
Hammocks for sleeping on the transports have been issued to all the men and they are utilizing them in every conceivable way in their tent and last night I counted 18 swinging from under the mess sheet. The men claim they are better than sleeping on the ground.
Here and There
The captain of the Rough Riders at Jacksonville is a grandson of Brigham Young.
Captain Alex Iwanowski Passes away this Morning
Capt Alex Iwanowski died this morning at 8 o’clock of a complication of diseases after an illness extending over a period of several months.
Capt. Iwanowski was born in Palatka about 58 years ago, but has lived for many years in this city with whose interests he has been closely identified. He served the people in the capacity of alderman a number of terms and brought to the administration of public affairs a keen and far-seeing intellect coupled with a conscientious devotion to the good of the city and the welfare of the people. With an almost inexhaustible fund of humor and love for the companionship of his fellow man he numbered his friends by legion.
The funeral will be held from the Cathedral tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock. Father Maher officiating. The following will act as pall bearers: Councilman M. T. Masters, A. J. Watts, E. W. McBride, E. E. Boyce and Messrs J. H. Lynn and W. S. M. Pinkham. The council will hold no special meeting tonight through respect to the deceased.
Charles Slater provided for and fed 405 soldiers on Sunday.
July 12
This community is sorrowful owing to the death of Miss Minnie Stephens. The funeral of the deceased took place on Sunday last, attended by a large and sad number of friends.
At Rest
Dr Edward Lindsley, formerly of Morristown, N. J., died last night at the residence of his son Dr. Horace Lindsley at the advanced age of ninety two, He has been a great invalid for four years. The interment will take place at New Vernon, New Jersey, the family burying place. No services will be held here.
Everything was done that medical skill could devise, but owing to his extreme old age he could not wage longer the battle for life.
Mrs. Lindsley will accompany the remains north tomorrow. In speaking of his father Dr. Lindsley said: ‘My father celebrated his fiftieth birthday by marrying his first and present wife, she being at the time not quite 20 years old.
The residents of Jacksonville are pretty well exercised over a rumor to the effect that the cavalry of Rough Riders are to be moved to St. Augustine. The rumor, however, lacks confirmation.
Willie Brown received a letter from one of the boys at Tampa yesterday in which he stated that they had been paid off, and that they all chipped in and had an old fashioned chicken pilau.
Lieutenant J. C. R. Foster of the First Florida Regiment, who is in the city on recruiting duty, lost his pocketbook in the toilet room at the Placid Hotel yesterday. The pocketbook was off red leather, and contained between $80 and $90 in money, besides valuable papers and other things. He is willing to divide the money if the pocket book shall be returned to him, with the papers, and no questions will be asked. Times Union and Citizen
July 16
John Edwards, a colored man died at Alicia Hospital last night of consumption.
The Hook and Ladder Company will give another dance on Tuesday evening at the Armory of the St. Augustine Light Infantry. They want to realize money enough to buy caps for the company.
Six hundred soldiers and a North Carolina band came in from Jacksonville this morning. They rode in the baggage car on top of the car and anywhere they could hang on, when the train stopped many of them didn’t wait to come through the door but jumped through the widows in order to get out.
The action of a soldier in the Jacksonville camp of maliciously throwing a handful of quick lime in a little Negro boy’s face should meet with severe punishment at the hands of the civil authorities.
The following item is taken from the Wilmington North Carolina Star: “It is said that ‘ the colored troops fought nobly’ at Santiago. This gives color to the proceedings and shows that when fighting is to be done the color line doesn’t keep the fighters out any more than the wire fence does.
July 18
Tar Heals Here
Two Companies of North Carolinians Arrive Today
Companies C and I Second Regiment North Carolina Volunteers arrived in St Augustine this morning to relieve that portion of the Fifth U.S. infantry which will leave this afternoon.
The two volunteer companies arrived on a special train at the block and marched directly to the barracks.
The two companies number 206 men outside of about a dozen sick left behind who will reach here soon.
Maj. John W. Cotton, of the Third Battalion is in command. The officers of Company C Capt Jones and Second Lieutenant Davis, Company I. Capt. Jeffreys 1st Lieutenant and adjutant F. Jenkins and 2nd lieutenant B. J. Wotten.
Maj. Cotton this morning visited the island fortifications with Capt. Miller and afterwards the government property at the post was turned over to the new arrivals.
After 500 soldiers went in bathing yesterday at South Beach, dressed in nothing but smiles and sunshine, Mr. E. F Joyce who resides with his family at South Beach entered a protest, but he was not in it a little bit.
The Sheriff’s Close Call
He is Mobbed by a Thousand Soldiers Yesterday
Sheriff Davis had a close call yesterday and only escaped being roughly handled by a mob of about one thousand volunteers through his coolness and persuasive manner of talking.
He was endeavoring to protect and assist Officer Benet who had made an arrest and who was followed by hundreds of soldiers intent upon rescuing their comrade from the clutches of the law. Officer Benet was game and held to his man in the face of threats of lynching and every other species of punishment. In the meantime Sheriff Davis was having his hands full attempting to keep the constantly swelling mob off the policeman and his prisoner.
His efforts, however, were unsuccessful, as many of the soldiers rushed by the sheriff and throwing themselves upon Officer Benet bore him to the ground. The policeman hung to his prisoner and when he emerged from the melee he still had his an in a firm grasp.
But Bravery did not count against odds and the prisoner was finally liberated.
Still the now thoroughly aroused soldiers did not care to give us the sheriff whom they considered legitmate game and they crowed around him by hundreds calling for a rope with which to make a temporary necktie for him.
But the sheriff stood them off successfully and finally the mob quieted and dispersed.
All this happened on peaceful Charlotte Street.
Barbarous Vandalism
We blush today for the volunteer troops of the army. Over two thousand of them came to St. Augustine yesterday and their conduct was such that brought disgrace to the uniform they wore and stamped them as roughs, rowdies and vandals, unworthy of the name of citizen.
A boisterous exuberance can be excused, but rifling the tombs of the dead and desecrating the altar of religious worship is carrying license into barbarism, and this is what was done in St. Augustine yesterday. Shame upon the misnomer that looks such deeds under the name of manhood. If these same hoodiumes were placed face to face with the enemy before Santiago their coward cheeks would blanch with fear and their craven limbs tremble beneath them. They are only fit for looting and pillage, not for the stern realities of war and danger.
How humiliated their decent comrades must have felt yesterday when they witnessed the disgraceful scenes enacted. Powerless to prevent, yet compelled to share more or less of the stigma attaching theirs was a portion of shame not to be envied.
The volunteers as a body are men of sterling worth, but St. Augustine seemed yesterday to be unfortunate in entertaining the off scourings of the camp at Jacksonville. For the acts of lawlessness and vandalism committed here there can be no excuse, and every effort should be made by the civil authorities to brig the offenders to punishment. This should be an easy matter if the military authorities co-operate.
Private Brown of the St. Augustine Rifles has arrived here from Tampa quite sick.
The Florida regiment now at Tampa expect to be removed to Atlanta this week. The boys will be glad of the transfer.
It is estimated that the troops here yesterday spent $5000.
There were about 300 troops here yesterday.
The Valencia hotel, we are informed, lost considerable silverware yesterday.
George McOmber’s barber pole was carried from his place of business to the depot.
1200 soldiers passed over the South Beach railway to South Beach yesterday.
One fellow carried off a large hall lamp with the chain and all other appliances.
One of the boys in uniform who was pretty well tanked up fell over board, which had the effect of sobering him up considerably.
The soldiers endeavored to take charge of the steamer Hustler yesterday, but were prevented from doing so by her owner Capt. G. W. Corbett.
Capt Eddie Allen took a crowd of the visiting soldiers out in the Ebe Baldwin yesterday and had all he could do to restrain them from assuming command of the boat.
The girls should take pity on the soldiers and not ask them for any more buttons. It is said that one poor fellow was obliged to use a safety pin in keeping his coat closed.
Mrs. Munson has been obliged to close her doors against the soldiers coming over here on account of their indiscriminate stealing. She says they have stolen nearly all of her silverware.
Dr. J. K. Raincy drove up to the Memorial Presbyterian church with an officer or two to show them the interior of the church, and when coming out the horse and buggy was no where in sight. Just before the train left he found the team at the depot where the soldiers who had taken it left it.
A hack crowded with soldiers and driven by Eddie Irwin collapsed near the city gates yesterday, throwing the occupants over the dash board to the ground.
One of the soldiers yesterday said to Albert Mickler, ‘My friend, here is a fan that you may have, it is no use to me’ Albert declined to accept it until the soldier said again: ‘take it you never know what a soldier has until you examine his shirt boom.’ Mr. Mickler says upon this, the man opened his shirt, and on so doing, exhibited a veritable curiosity shop, orange wood, knives for cutting paper and all sorts of things. There is no accurate estimate that can be made of the loss sustained by the curio dealers yesterday.
The soldier confined in the city jail last night for striking another soldier in the face with a pistol was not tried in the municipal court by delivered to J. A. Robertson of the Rough Riders who accompanied him to Jacksonville on the morning train The prisoner on getting down stairs reached into his sock and pulled out a roll of bills which he quickly deposited in his pocket.
July 19
News from the Boys
With the first in camp at Tampa
In Camp Tampa Fla July 17th 1898 We have been literally flooded out for the past week. A couple of days dry weather however, has allowed the water to sink into the ground and at present it is to as wet as it was a few days ago. The water is very near the surface and it will not take much more rain to bring it to the top of the ground. When this occurs, and perhaps sooner, we will have to be moved. Old residents in this vicinity say that during the rainy season (later part of June until the latter part of fall) the water is a foot and a foot and a half deep all over the present situation of our camp Some of these people also say that they have frequently shot ducks in the ponds that were formed by the rain. There seems to be considerable difference of opinion as to our next move. Some claim we will go aboard transports, others that we will go to Fernandina or Jacksonville and still others that we will move to Tampa Heights. The latter is far the most probable ad will no doubt occur in a very short time.
An order was read at dress parade day before yesterday with regard to the laxity of discipline in the Volunteer regiments and now the Colonel has cautioned the men to show more respect to commissioned officers, etc. This will come pretty hard on the men and a one of the officers said ‘I have been associating with the men in my company all my life and I do not like to stop it now or words to that effect’.
Col Lovell is bring the regiment up to a high standard of discipline and it will not be long before it will be one of the best in the service.
The men of this regiment and Company G in particular are very much disappointed over the fact that they were not sent to the front with the first lot of troops. It seems a queer thing that there are no Southern regiments in the field. Every victory seems to make our chances less of ever getting to the front.
Only one death has occurred in the company. Private E. J. Owen of Jacksonville. He died at the Division Hospital on the 12th, inst. of typhoid fever. His case was a very sad one. He left a good position in Jacksonville, and enlisted in the company about a month ago. He was taken sick shortly after his arrival, and after a very brief illness passed away. His body was embalmed and shipped home. The pallbearers were six men from the first set of fours. A guard of eight men and a Corporal, and the entire Company escorted the remains from the undertakers in the train.
Private Frank Palmer received the sad information that his Father was dead. He applied for, and received a leave of absence for seven days. He returned to camp yesterday.
Private Arrondo was one of the happiest men in camp when he received his leave of absence yesterday. He is no doubt having a royal good time in St. Augustine today.
Company G has received a number of recruits in the last ten days. Some of these have been sent by the recruiting officers, and several others have been recruited here. The names of some of these men are: Walter Mickler, Peter Pomar, Burt Thompson, Roy Beverly and Harry Nelligan, who has been appointed bugler.
We drill three hours every day, besides dress parade.
What is the matter with the woman’s commissary?
Private W. L. Burton is getting fat on Uncle Sam’s food. It seems to be agreeing with him. The same can be said of Private Walker and Gatllard.
Priv. W. L Brown says if the water continues to rise he will certainly start a navigation company. He is confident of making quite a fortune conveying persons to and from the mess shed. He has not opened bids for steamers yet.
Private Burt Yarborough is proud of his title. ‘The champion ditch digger of G street,’ and every tie there is a ditch to be dug, you are sure to find him ready with shovel and grubbing hoe.— George Couper Gibbs Cor..
In Our Hands
It has been stated that a petition is being circulated requesting the railroad company to rescind the special rate for soldiers from Jacksonville to St. Augustine.
The Herald is in a position to state authoritatively that the railroad company will take off this rate immediately if the people of this city so desire. But we do not believe that such is the general sentiment. The soldiers, when they visit this city, spend a large amount of money, and although on Sunday last a few of them because lawless and boisterous in the mail they were quiet and gentlemanly.
Furthermore we have now over two hundred volunteers permanently stationed here and these are amply able to keep in order any number of those who come over from the Jacksonville camp. Let all come who will we do not believe that scenes of last Sunday will be repeated.
Lieutenant Cochran, son of Col. Cochran US Army, was visiting friends in this city.
Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Jao. Myers and Mrs. J.W. Sackett have provided at their home on the bay refreshments for the visiting soldiers to this city, and from the first day of their arrival, up to the present time they have had at their home three thousand five hundred of these me , and have yet to know of the first instance in which they have lost even a sprig of grass, not withstanding the fact that they had on their side-board solid silver spoons, forks etc. Out of the 3500 not more than four have been in the least intoxicated.
Will Keep them Quiet
Major Cotto now in command of the post here, in conversation with a Herald representative yesterday stated that so long as he remains here with his men the lawless scenes of Sunday will not again be reenacted. He is ready and willing to patrol the city with a provost guard, a hundred me with loaded guns, if necessary to keep the community in order so far as the volunteer soldiery goes.
Edgar Pomar has enrolled his name upon the enlistment books of the First Florida regiment. Edgar will made a good soldier and will doubtless return from Porto Rico covered with glory.
Word has just been received in this city that William Miller, well known in this city being a member of Harmony Lodge No. 44, Knight of Pythias, was shot in the leg a few days since while engaged in battle at Santiago. He remained in the trenches several hours with the rain pouring down o him most of the time, and when finally picket up he was almost paralyzed. It will be gratifying to his many friends in this city to know that he is now in the hospital at Norfolk VA where he will receive every attention.
Mrs. Frazier of the Valecia hotel requests us to state through the columns of the Herald that the soldiers who have been entertained at her house have all conducted themselves in the most gentlemanly manner, and nothing has been take away by them that did not belong to them.
Corporal G. C. Gibbs of Company G. First Florida Regiment, had stolen from his pocket at camp a few days since a crisp ten dollar bill. This is too bad, for as rule the boys don’t have many of those to lose.
If Father Maher is going to take up the matter referred to in the Herald of yesterday relative to the desecration of the Catholic cemetery I would suggest that he take among the first the hackman who took the soldiers there and told them it was the resting place of dead Spaniards. A reader.
July 21
During the absence of Capt MacWilliams Lieut Masters is in command of the St Augustine Light Infantry. Lieut. Masters said this morning we will meet on Tuesday night and will be glad to receive any recruits who may desire to join.
Did not materialize
The large excursion that was expected from Jacksonville this morning did not materialize in fact smaller number than usual came over and as a consequence a number of citizens who had provided ice cream, sandwiches and other refreshments for sale to the hungry soldiers will loose to a considerable amount. This is to be regretted, as few of us are able to stand any pecuniary loss, however small.
Whether or not the failure of the crowd to come will interfere with the program of sports said to be arranged for the afternoon it is impossible to learn at this hour, but certain it is that all will have an opportunity to cool off at the beach without being subject to the presence of hundreds of fun seeking soldiers. The usual half-rate far to Jack Mound puts this pleasant trip within easy reach.
The Florida Troops arrived at Fernandina this morning, the delay was due to the fact that they had hot boxes all the way from Tampa to their destination
July 28
Mayor Genovar Returns
Mayor F. B. Genovar returned to the city yesterday afternoon and was driven directly to his residence on Charlotte street where he could only receive last evening his relatives.
Mayor Genovar was acting in the capacity of interpreter on General Shafter’s staff and after the land and naval battles around Santiago, during which he worked heroically in helping to care for the wounded and bury the dead, he was taken ill with fever himself and was sent North with hundreds of the sick and wounded on the transport Sencca.
Arriving at New York the vessel was kept in quarantine ten days, after which Mr. Genovar returned to his home as soon as he was able to travel.
His nervous system has received a severe shock in the awful scenes he has witnessed and it will be several days before he is strong enough to receive his friend.