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Newspaper Extracts

St. Augustine News Extracts 1841

This information is provided by the St Augustine Genealogical Society for genealogical research purposes only. 

The information was transcribed by a member of the St Augustine Genealogical Society and posted to the Rootsweb site for the Society.  The name of the person who transcribed the information, the date of transcription, and the location of the original source material is unknown. 

January 1


Notice – Six weeks after date, I shall as one of the Creditors of W M Price, deceased, late of Duval County, apply to the Judge of Duval County for Letters of Administration on the Estate of said deceased.  George W. Walton


Notice – Six weeks after date, I shall apply, as one of the Creditors of Marvin Beebe deceased, late of Duval County, to the Judges of the County Court of said County, for Letters of Administration on the estate of said deceased.  George Lucas  Jacksonville, Nov 20, 1841


Notice All persons indebted to the Estate of Charles Downing, Esq. late of St. Augustine, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment; and notice is hereby given to all creditors and Legatees, and persons entitled to distribution of the said Estate, that their claims and demands will be barred, at the expiration of two years from the date hereof, unless exhibited within that period, to Rebecca Downing Executrix  St. Augustine, Nov 13, 1841


Notice All persons indebted to the Estate of Isaac W. Avery, late of St. Johns County, deceased, are requested to make payment without delay; and all creditors, Legatees, and other persons who have claims or demands against said Estate, are hereby notified that such claims or demands must be exhibited within the time prescribed by Law, or they will be forever barred.  Mary Avery, Administratrix, John Beard, Jr. Administrator. St. Augustine, Nov 13, 1841


For Sale – All that Tract or piece of Land, called Marshal’s Tract, granted by the Spanish Government to Juann Paredes, on the 7th day of April, 1807, bounded on the north by Land of Stephen Arnau, on the south by Land of James Arnau, on the east by marshes, and on the west by pine barren; situated in the County of St. Johns; containing one-hundred and ten acres.  The subscriber guarantees the title to be good. James Keogh St. Augustine, Nov. 6, 1841


Notice. – All persons in any way indebted to the Estate of Col. Simon Beckham, late of St. Johns County, decesased, are called upon to make payment without further delay; and those having demands against said Estate, are hereby notified to present the same (duly authenticated,) to the Subscriber within the time prescribed by law, or their claims will be forever barred. G. Humphreys, Administrator. St. Augustine July 16, 1841


Notice – All persons indebted to the Estate of Hugh Ashlock, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment; and creditors, heirs, Legatees, and all persons having demands against said Estate, are required to present their claims and demands within two years from date, or the same will be barred.  Carmeta Ashlock, Administratrix. St. Augustine, Dec. 4, 1841


Thomas Andreu, Draper and Tailor (Corner of Charlotte St and Cradle lane,) Having just returned from Charleston, per schr. Empire, with a splendid assortment of broad cloths, cassimeres, trimmings & c. is now ready to execute all orders which may be left with him.


House and Lot for Sale


Mrs. Garvin, intending to remove from this city, offers her dwelling house and lot for sale. Enquire of her Agent, May 7, 1841 P S Smith


For Sale


That desirable residence in St. George street, next to the residence of B Segui, Esq. The house contains 4 upright rooms, and double piazza, together with all other necessary out buildings attached. The Lot is 75 feet front, by 300 feet deep; having on it a few fruit trees. It will be sold on accommodating terms. For further particulars enquire of James Keogh St. Augustine, Nov. 13, 1841


John Beard, Jr., Clerk of the Superior Court – East Florida in St. Augustine.


Notice to Travelers.


St. Augustine & Picolata Stage.


The subscriber has commenced running a comfortable Carriage between St. Augustine and Picolata twice a week, leaving St. Augustine Wednesdays and Saturdays, and Picolata on Thursdays and Sundays: A military escort will always accompany the Stage going out and returning. fare each way, $3.


The subscriber assures those who may patronize this undertaking, that his horses are strong and sound; his Carriage commodious and comfortable; that none but careful and sober drivers will be employed, and every attention paid to their comfort and convenience.


Persons wishing seats, by leaving their names and place of residence with Francis Bridier at the City Hotel, will be called for, when the escort is about leaving the city.


Samuel Arey, Proprietor St. Augustine, Dec 4, 1842


Regular Packet, Between St. Augustine & Charleston


The Packet Schooner, Empire Lyman Southwick, Master, will leave the above ports weekly. Invalids, and the public generally, are respectfully informed that this packet has extensive and airy accommodations, both for Ladies and Gentlemen; and for speed and safety cannot be surpassed.


The Subscriber returns his thanks to his friends, and to those who give his vessel the preference generally, and trusts that by strict attention he will continue to merit a share of public patronage.


Lyman Southwick


St. Augustine, April 2, 1841




Charleston and St. Augustine Packet Stephen & Frances


The above vessel having been newly fitted up in a superior manner, for the accommodation of Passengers, having had added to her former conveniences an extensive and airy cabin on deck, with state rooms, will continue to ply between the above ports; and the undersigned hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage.


Louis Coxetter.


St. Augustine, Oct 1, 1841


Mrs. Conklin’s Shop – North City. The subscriber, grateful to her friends and the public, for the patronage hitherto bestowed, solicits a continuance of their favors. She has for sale, a few seasonable Fancy Goods, and articles of Dress for Ladies and Gentlemen: Gloves, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Trimmings, silk Under Shirts and Drawers & & c Jan 22 Harriet W. Conklin


Newspaper Editors and Puiblishers


B. Webb the Apalachicola Journal

E. Bartlett, Tallahassee Star

Sam S Sibley of the Tallahassee Floridian


M. Gould of the Florida Herald

Clisby & Smith, of the Florida Sentinel


Thos T. Russell of the St. Augustine News


P W Gautier Jr St. Joseph Times


John M’Kinley, of the Pensacola Gazette


The News


St Augustine Saturday Morning, January 8, 1842


William Wilson, a seaman, was knocked overboard from the schr. Stephen & Frances, on the night of the 2d inst. by the sudden jibeing of the boom, whilst that vessel was running before the wind, and drowned. Capt. Coxetter was, at the same time, knocked overboard, but fortunately, after great exertion, rescued.




Dr. Sutton will return from Palatka in the course of next week, and remain in St. Augustine one week after his return. Jan 8


Marine News


Port of St. Augustine


January 8


1st Brig Caspian, Swasey, Charleston


3d Schr. Stephen & Frances, Coxetter, Charleston


4th Steamer Richmond, Mendall, Savannah


5th Steamer Cincinnati, Smith, Palatka


7th Steamer Cincinnati, Smith, New Smyrna


For Sale or Rent


A comfortable two story Dwelling House, situated in North City.  Apply to Ellen R. Helm, on the premises.


The News is published every Saturday Morning Thomas T. Russell, Editor and Proprietor January 25, 1842


An attempt was made on Saturday night last, by some person or persons unknown, to enter the store of C. Boye. By means of boring with an augur, they had succeeded in entering the weather boarding, but the store being lined inside with thick yellow pine boards, they were finally thwarted in their design.


We are sorry to learn that, owing to the decision understood to be made by the colonel commanding the troops in Florida, our territory is likely to be deprived, not only of the Legislative, but also of the efficient military services of Captain Mickler, one of the Representatives elect of St. Johns County.


Married, at Trinity church, in this city, on the 11th inst. by Rev. Mr. Rutledge. Edmund Wallen to Miss Eleanor Randolph, daughter of the late John R. McKinnon, Esq. of Savannah.




Died, in this city, on the 7th inst. Mr. George Halliburton aged about 40 years. Mr. H. was a native of New Hampshire, but had been for some years a highly respectable merchant in the city of New York, until he was compelled to retire from business by the disease which proved fatal a few weeks after his arrival in this place. Although he died far from all kindred, he was not destitute in his last hours of kind and assiduous attention.


Died, in this city, on 10th inst. after a lingering illness, which she bore with great patience and fortitude, Mrs. Maria Del Pilar Usina, a native of this place, and wife of Miguel Usina. Esq. She has left a bereaved husband and four children, together with numerious relatives and friends, to mourn her untimely loss.


Marine News


10th Steamer W. Gaston, Henry, Southern Posts The G. made the voyage in 7 days.


14th – Schr Cygnet, Eddy, Savannah


January 22


Married in this City on 3d inst. by Rev. Mr. Axtel, William T. Perpall to Miss Mary F daughter of Joshua Joyner.




Died in this city, on the 14th inst., after a lingering illness, Thomas Goetty, of Charleston, SC. He was a kind and amiable gentleman, and true Christian; and it will be a consolation to his surviving relatives and friends to know, that although he died in a strange land he was not destitute of kind feelings in his behalf.


January 29




Died, in this city, on the 22d inst. after a lingering illness, Miss Francesca Pons, aged 22 years, a native of this place.


Died in this city, on the 27th instant, Phillip Kelly aged 32 years, a native of New York


J A Cleveland, Dentist, expects to remain in the city a few weeks. Persons desiring his professional services, may find him at the residence of Mrs. Smith’s, near the Florida House.  St. Augustine, Jan 29, 1842.


Notice – All persons indebted to the Estate of Peter Capo, late of St. Johns County, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and persons having claims against said Estate, are notified to present the same properly authenticated, within two years, otherwise all such claims will be forever barred.  Deronis Pacete, Admin’tro. St. Augustine January 29, 1842.


Notice – All persons indebted to the estate of the late Isaac W. Avery, are earnestly requested to settle without delay, and spare the subscribers the pain of suing.


John Beard, Jr. will attend to all who wish to make payments, at his office in the Court House.  M. M. Avery, Administratrix John Beard Jr., Adminis’tor St Augustine, Jan 15, 1842.


February 5th


Bernardo Segui was the only candidate that advertised for election – Clerk of the County Court.




Mrs. Zilpah Huther in a violent outbreak of ungovernable rage and passion — to which she is, unhappily, too prone — inflicted 3 dangerous wounds on her husband with a dirk. The weapon passed twice from the back through into the lungs. Mr. H. lies in a most precarious state, and as the matter will no doubt be the subject of a judicial investigation, we forbear further comment




Died, on the 22d ult. near Jacksonville, E.


Florida, Antonio Swaras, aged 28 years, a native of florida. He has left brothers and sisters to mourn his loss.


Marine News


Jan 30 Schr. Frances, Cooper, Jacksonville


Feb 3d Steamer C Downing, Pitcher, Southern Posts.


Bible Society – The annual meeting of the East Florida Bible Society, will be held at the Episcopal Church in this city, on Tuesday evening next, the 3th inst. at 7 o’clock’ when addresses suited to the occasion may be expected. After which a collection will be taken up for the benefit of the Bible cause… Thos Douglas, President, St. Augustine Feb 5


Feb 132


An Election for Clerk of the County Court, for St. Johns County, took place on Monday last. The following is the result:


B. Dumas B. Segui

St  Augustine                                                    97                    79


Ferris’ Plantation, (N.R.)                                   1                      4


Palatka                                                             47                    18


145                  101


Married in this city, on 4th instant, by Rev. Mr. Rutledge, James S. Manners to Mrs. Margaret Game.


Married in this city on 7th instant by Rev. C. Rampon, Jose E. Sanchez, to Miss Camela Canovas – all of this place.


Marine News


Port of St. Augustine


7th Schr. Walter M, Hitchcock, Savannah


Notice All persons indebted to the Estate of Peter Capo, late of St. Johns County, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and persons having claims against said Estate, are notified to present the same properly authenticated, within two years, otherwise all such claims will be forever barred.  Dennis Pachte, Admin’tor St. Augustine January 29, 1842.


Feb 19


Marine News


12th Steamer Richmond, Mendall, Savannah


14th Schr Empire, Southwick, Charleston


17th Steamer Forrester, Chase, Savannah


18th Steamer C. Downing Aleen, Southern Posts


Steamer W. Gaston, Henry Southern Posts


Steamer W S. Harney Pearson, Southern Posts


Fberuary 26


Washington’s birthday


Tuesday last having been the birthday of the Father of his Country, was celebrated in this city by the St. Augustine City Guards, a uniform corps. The day was beautiful, and the display of colors by the various shipping, added to the appearance.


Commissioners under the Bankrupt Act to take testimony or affidavits and dispositions…  John Beard, junr. of St. Augustine , for St. Johns County  I. H. Bronson, U. S. Judge for District of East Florida St. Augustine, February 22, 1842




Died in this city, on 18th inst. of lockjaw, Francis Solana, third son of the late Bartolo Solana, aged 16 years.


In this city, on the morning of the 21st inst., of consumption, Mr. J. Edward Dana, of Madison county, New York, in the 21 years of this age. In the two months that he spent here, his exemplary deportment and warm hearted simplicity gained him the esteem of all who knew him — and to his relatives and friends he has left the sweet hope that “he fell asleep” in Jesus.


In this city, on 23d inst. suddenly, Mary Jane, daughter of Doratair and James Pellicer, aged three years.


In this city, on 24th inst. of consumption John N. McLean, of St. Johns, New Brunswick, aged about 28 years.


Maritime News




20th Schr. Red Jacket, Rogers, Georgetown, S.C.


23 Schr. Peru, Gilchrist, New York, 15 days.


413 packages Merchandize to B. E. Carr & Co.


25th. Schr. Walter M. Hitchcock, Indian River.


25th Steamer W. Gaston, Henry, New Smyrna.


House and Lot at Auction


On Monday next, 28th inst., precisely at 11 o-clock in the forenoon, will be sold on the premises, That very eligible House and Land situate on George – street, now owned and occupied by Mrs. Garvin; measuring front on said street 132 feet, depth 258 feet. There is a large number of very fine orange trees growing on the premises.  An indisputable title will be given John Lott Philips Auctioneer




Died, in this city on 25th ult. of dropsy in the head, William Travers, son of the late Gov. r. r. Reid aged 3 years and 5 months.


On 26th ult. in this city, Francois Vivia, a native of France


March 12, 1842


Elias Wallen,, Postmaster of St. Augustine.


Marine News


10th Schr Walter M, Hitchcock, Indian river


March 19, 1842


The Superior Court for the Counties of St. Johns and Mosquito, commenced its session in this city on Monday last. His Honor Judge Bronson, presiding.


The Patrol under the command of Capt. George Bartlett, tender to him their thanks and those of the community, for his polite, gentlemenly and liberal deportment on Saturday night last. By his efficient and energetic military measures, the peace and harmony of the city were secured and undisturbed; and the Patrol proper, together with a numerous party of Volunteers for the night, were most sumptuously regailed with a Supper abundantly supplied, comprising all the delacacies of the season, and pickled oysters too.”




Died in this city, on the 17th inst. Mrs. Mary Raiz, aged 51 years, a native of this place.


Schr Empire, Southwick, Charleston, 36 hours


Steamer C Downing, Allen, Palatka


Steamer W. Gaston, Henry, Fort Dallas


April 2


Rev. William McWhir


This venerable father of the Presbyterian Church, is now on a visit to St. Augustine. His apparent health of body and vigor of intellect, are very remarkable at his advanced age — between eighty and ninety. Several of the Churches in Georgia and Florida, owe their origin to Father McWhir’s instrumentality; and he was in an eminent degree the founder of the Presbyterian Church in this city, where we trust he will be able to preach on the morrow.


St Augustine 7th April 1842


Received of John M Fontane and Raphael D Fontane, Executors of the last will and testament of Dr. Richard Wrightman, eight-hundred and thirty-nine dollars in notes of the Union Bank of Florida, and four hundred and fifty dollars in notes of the Life and Trust Bank of Florida, being money left by Dr. R. W. to my infant child Margaret Wrightman


Margart Miranda


her mark


Witness Jas B P Haskin


April 9


Married in this city on Thursday evening last, by Rev. C. Rampon, Mr. James Knowles, of Richmond, (Virginia) to Miss Anna Maria, only daughter of Capt. James Keog.


April 16




Died, at Fernandina, on the 1st inst., after a lingering and severe illness, Miss Etefania, B Acosta, daughter of the late Capt. M. Acosta, one of the oldest and most respectable inhabitants of this place. She displayed at the solemn hour of death, a great Christian fortitude.


Daguerreotype Miniatures – Alfred A Lansing, professor of Photography, respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of St. Augustine, that he will remain a few days in town, for the purpose of taking daguerreotype miniatures. Only one minute’s sitting required; and a warranted likeness with frame, for $5. Any individual taught the art. And one improved apparatus for sale.  Rooms at the City Hotel.


April 23




Died, in this city, on the 18th instant, Mrs. Mary Arnau, a native of this place, and wife of Esteban Arnau, Jr.


April 30


The Right Rev. Christopher Gadsden, DD, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of the diocess of South Carolina, arrived in this city on Tuesday last, by way of Picolata.




Died at Mandarin, on 27th inst. Capt. John Broer.


Notice is hereby given to creditors, heirs, legatees, and all other persons concerned or interested in the Estate of Charles Downing late of St. Johns County, deceased, that the undersigned, widow and Executrix of said Charles Downing intends to apply by petition to the County Court of the County of St. Johns aforesaid, at the term thereof to beholden at the city of St. Augustine in June next, for the assignment to her of her dower in his real and personal Estate  Rebecca Downing. St. Augustine, April 30, 1842.


May 7


Dr. Martin, U. S. A. relieves Dr. Foot, U. S. A at this post. Dr. Foot goes North


Major Belknap arrived here on Thursday last, and has taken command of this post.


May 21


Through the enterprise of Messrs. Center, Roddy & Co a spacious Ice House has been erected in this city; and the schr. Warrior, arrived here on Monday last with a cargo of this cooling luxury. This is an undertaking which has long been talked of, but never accomplished until now, and we heartily wish Messrs. C. r. & Co. success:


St. Augustine Ice House


The subscribers having received their stock of ICE for the season, are now ready to accommodate the citizens of St. Augustine and vicinity with the same. The House will be open for the disposal of Ice from 6 to 8 in the morning, and from 4 to 6 in the evening.  May 21 Center, Roddy & Co.


Married in this city, on the 15th inst. by Rev. C. Rampon. Capt. John L’Assere to Miss Margaret, daughter of Joseph Andreu of this place.


Married in this city, on the 19th inst. by Rev C. Rampon , Miguel Usina, Esq. to Miss Genoveba Solana — all of this place.




Died at Palatka, on 12th inst.Thomas E. A. son of Thomas and Mary Steward, aged 10 months and 4 days.


May 28


Augustus W. Walker, collector of the Customs St Augustine, Florida, vice John Rodman


Married in this city on 23d inst. by Rev. Mr. Rutledge, Dr. John B. Porter, U. S. A. to Miss Anita Amelia Smith of this place.


Cabinet Making – the subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of the city and vicinity of St. Augustine, that he is prepared to execute any order with which he may be favored. As a Cabinet Maker, and Upholsterer, we trust his thorough knowledge will enable him to give entire satisfaction to his employers. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. He will also repair and clean second hand Furniture, & c.; and his charges will be in all cases moderate to suit the times. Billiard Tables made and repaired to order. shop on Marine street. Thomas Morrison. St. Augustine, May 21, 1842


June 4


In superior Court of the Eastern District of Florida


In the matter of Alexander Watson, declared a Bankrupt.


Notice is hereby given that John M. Fontane, one of the Deputy Marshals for the Eastern District of Florida, has been appointed by this Honorable Court, Assignee of the Estate of the said Alexander Watson, a Bankrupt; and that said Fontane resides in the city of St. Augustine, in East Florida, and that letters for him should be addressed to him at that place.


Dated at St. augustine, this 3d day of June 18542.  John Beard, Jr., Clerk


June 11


Indian Signs


A party of three gentlemen from Jacksonville, passed through our city last week and proceeded South, for the purpose of viewing the lands in that direction, but after arriving at the plantation of the late John J. Bulow, they discovered recent Indian signs, and concluding that it would not be proper to proceed any further, returned to this city.


Another party of our citizens who had gone down to the old fort at Matanzas for the purpose of fishing, a few days since, also discovered recent indian signs in that vicinity.


A party of indians, it is believed, have resided in that section of country for some time, and we would suggest the propriety of Co. Worth’s having them routed and captured.


Add saying Joseph s. Sanchez, Marshall and John M. Fontane Deputy Marshal


Married in this city on the 6th inst. By Rev C. Rampon, Felix Rantel, to Miss Antonia Andreu — all of this place.


Married in this city on the 8th inst., by Rev C. Rampon, Thomas Perpall to Miss Mary Ann Conner — all of this place.


June 18


Married at “Markland Hall,” the residence of Mrs. C. C. Anderson, near this city, on Thursday evening the 9th inst. by the Rev. H. Axtel, William A. Forward, Attorney at Law of this city, to Miss Mary Annette, daughter of the late Henry Hutchinson Esq. of the city of New York.


Married in this city, on Monday evening last, the 13th instant, by Rev’d C. Rampon, John R Mitchel to Miss Felicia Gomez — all of this place.


June 25


Company “e” 3d Artillery, arrived here on Thursday last, per steamer Gen Taylor from Savannah, whither they arrived from New Orleans. This is one of the two Companies ordered to garrison this post Officers, Lieut Bragg and Reynolds


Tribute to the Dead — Dade’s Massacre


It is in contemplation to inter these remains, in the Garden of the U. S. Barracks, in this city. In place of which, it has been suggested they should be interred in the center of our public square, beneath an appropriate Monument, commemorative of this sad and interesting portion of the history of Florida. We hope the Commanding Officer may listen to the suggestion.


July 2


It is rumored that an appropriation will be made by the City council, for the washing of the stalls of the Market, for the comfort of loafers and that prejudices of the public, who like clean shambles.

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