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Newspaper Extracts

Miscellaneous Notes on St. Augustine 1820-1831

This information is provided by the St Augustine Genealogical Society for genealogical research purposes only. 

The information was transcribed by a member of the St Augustine Genealogical Society and posted to the Rootsweb site for the Society.  The name of the person who transcribed the information, the date of transcription, and the location of the original source material is unknown. 

1821    – July 10 – American Period

Acting Governor – William Worthington

Mayor –  Gabriel Guillermo Perpall (July 22-Aug 1821)

James Grant Forbes (August 27, 1821-Nov 4, 1822)

Alderman under Forbes (appointed)

Anelin Gay

Daniel Copp

Charles Robiow

Francis Fatio

Joseph M. Hernandez

Philo Andrew – August 30

John DuBose – Sept 10

Wm Roberton – Nov 30


Wm Entralgo Clerk of the old Council under Gabriel Guillermo Perpall

George Murray was elected Clerk

John Dubose was elected Clerk of the Council – Oct 22

Collector of the Taxes

Squire Streeter


Patrick Lynch and William Livingston aperors?

Clerk of the Market

Amos Arnold

Sam Walker


John Colpoy? and John Lowe Constables


Charles Vignoles office of City Surveyor

Board of Pilotage:

John Rodman

Chester ?

E F Robinson

Geo Gibbs and William Reynolds


John Bird was appointed Superintendent of the Hospital

Mr Porter and Mr. Gwyott were appointed commissioners for Hospital.

Resident Physician and Health Board

Dr. Micah Stone appointed Resident Physician for the Port of St Augustine

Clerk of the Courts – Byrd C. Willis/George Gibbs

Provisional Secretary of the Provenance of East-Florida – William Reynolds

Judge – Thomas Fitch

Port Physician -1821-1825  Richard Murray –

 St Augustine Auction Establishment.  The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has opened the above establishment, in the lower part

Aug 4, 1821

Florida Gazette

there are now in confinement in this City, four negro men and a negro woman said to be the property of Timothy Bernard, a citizen of the United States. Said Negroes were confined on the 17th, July 1820, by the ?Spanish authorities, and were by them transferred to the existing authorities on the cession of the Province.

This is therefore, to give Notice, that the said Negroes will be sold at Public sale, to pay expenses on the first Monday in October next, unless the owner or owners, or their legal representatives, shall appear and claim said Negroes previous to that day.

By order of the Provisional secretary of the Province of East-Florida  William Reynolds Private Secretary  St. Augustine July 30, 1821


                                                                      August 30

On August 30 Philo Andrew was appointed by Gov Jackson as an Alderman for the city.

A committee was appointed to call on Wm Entralgo Clerk of the old Council for city documents in his possession.

Fort was used to confine mentally ill residents.

                                                                         Sept 6


An Ordinance No. 2

Establishing a Patrol in the City of St. Augustine.  … That there shall be established in the City, from after the 9 inst a City Patrol, consisting of a leader and eight men, whose duty it shall be to assemble at 8 o’clock p.m. at the watch house and patrol the streets for the maintainance of good order during the night. The City is considered divided for this purpose into four wards, viz Castle Ward, Custom House Ward, Church Ward and Barrack Ward from each of which there shall be appointed a leader by the mayor who shall have power to regulate the watch and whose duty it shall be to make report of his proceeding to the Mayor….all able bodied men eighteen to fifty-five.  Refusal $2 fine

Sept 6 1821 J G Forbes, Mayor

                                                                   September 10

John DuBose was added to the Council by Gov Jackson.

A committee was formed to apply to Mr. Gobert to allow the use of a lot next to the Roman Catholic Burying ground to bury the late Judge Fetch and be used as a public burying ground.

                                                                        Sept 11

given authority to find a public burying ground for protestants looking first for public property then to buy

                                                                   Sept 27 1821

City agreed to purchase lot

Board of Pilotage appointed:

John Rodman

Chester ?

E F Robinson

                                                                   Sept 28 1821

Dr. Micah Stone appointed Resident Physician for the Port of St Augustine.

                                                                     Oct 5, 1821

Set a committee to find  site for a hospital for the indigent. Edinboro his house over the birdge.

Council will pay $5 for each coffin for the indigent sick who may die.

                                                                          Oct 8

George Murray Clerk of the Council resigned.

John Bird was appointed Superintendent of the Hospital

                                                                         Oct 17

Miss Sally Vignolles was appointed Commissioner of the hospital.

                                                                    Oct 22, 1821

John Dubose was elected Clerk of the Council

Florida Gazette

October 20, 1821


Is hereby given that the following described Negroes were apprended in East-Florida and brought to the Creek Agency by a detachment of Indian Warriors under the command of Col. William Miller a half breed Indian of the Creek nation. All persons interested are hereby notified to attend at Thlecatch-ca, near Fort Mitchell, on the first Monday in November next, and prove their property otherwise they will be sold for the benefit of the captors.

John Crowell Indian Agent

Captive                        Age                  Height                                      Former owner

Hector             55                    5’8″                                          Perpall – St. Aug

John                55                    5’9″                                          Perpall – St. Aug

Hector, Jr.      18                    5’10”                                        Perpall – St. Aug

Patty, wife

of Hector Sr.  40                    5’5″                                          Perpall – St. Aug

5 children




Tyral               22                    5’2″                                          Perpall – St. Aug

and one child

Hannah                       24                    5’4″                              Perpall – St. Aug

and 2 children

Jeffrey                        36                    5’10”                            Robert Gilbert-St. Aug

Frederick                    27                    5’7″                  Robert Gilbert-St. Aug

Bob                             21                    5’7″                  Robert Gilbert-St. Aug

Mag                30                    5’2″                              William Harvey

St. Johns River

Nancy                         40                    5’2″                              John Laften do now

and  3 Children                                                 Hartley                                  

Billy                45                    5’5″                              John Addison St. Aug.

Abner              25                    5’6″                              John Addison St. Aug.

Nancy             25                    5′                                 John Addison St. Aug.

Diana              13                    4’10”                            John Addison St. Aug.

Lewis             23                    5’10”                            John Addison St. Aug.

Mary               25                    5’2″                              John Addison St. Aug.

and 2 children

Flora               10                                                        John Addison St. Aug.

Hannah                       7                                             John Addison St. Aug.

Hannah (mother of Mary)

46                    5’4″                  John Addison St. Aug.

George                        65                    5’10”                John Addison St. Aug.

Cato                27                    5’8″                                          Don Santo St. Aug

Cathy              28                    5’4″                                          Fatio St. Aug

John                25                    5’7″                                          Stipanosa St. Aug

Hector             50                    5’7″                                          Stipanosa St. Aug

Rosa               27                    5’4″                                          Don Lewis Pensacola

Price                35                    5’10”                                        Peter McQueen

Jim                  40                    5’7″                                          Richars, Augustine

formerly of the estate

of Gen Washington

John                39                    5’10”                                        Pallosier, Augustine

John                29                    5’11”                                        Sailema, Augustine

Charles           35                    5’10”                                        Arradonda, Havanna

Capt Bush       45                    5’6″                                          Hem Cho Ba an Indian

Phillis and child

40                    5’6″                                          Capt Chalders,

Tampa Bay

Mary               50                    5’6″                                          Christopher, Augustine

Toba                50                    5’4″                                          Spanish deserter

Augustina       25                    5’6″                                          an african owner


Manuel                       56                    5’10”                            Spanish deserter

Denasa                       50                    5’6″                                          do from St. Marks

Casba              50                    5’6″

Peter               21                    5’10”

Valentine        25                    5’6″

William                       22                    5’7″                                          do from St. Marks

Charles                       36                    5’7″                                          William Johnson

New Providence

Sepso              30                    5’9″                                          Bolizs

Cyrus              27                    5’8″                                          Bolizs

Ned                 50                    5’6″                                          Bolizs

Ned                 50                    5’6″                                          Bernard

Nancy and       28                                                                    Folemma, an indian

2 children

WB The Information respecting the owners and their place of residence, was obtained from the negroes.

                                                                    Oct 26, 1821

A negro fellow nam’d Sharper Welters was brought before the Council on the complaint of the High Constable for killing a hog, contrary to the Ordinances.  He was pardon’d on his promise of good behavior.

                                                                    Oct 29, 1821

Squire Streeter was appointed Collector of the Taxes and offer’d as his security John Beckley and Wm Livingston, who were approved of, and their bond order’d to be taekn in presence of the clerk of the council.

A negrow fellow, named Tom Frederick a slave the property of F Swartz of Charleston appeared before the Council with his Agent John Marshall on a charge, of killing sheep within th limits of the City, which was postpon’d until Wedensday next.

Cap Brown was recommended to be paid the sum of $16 as part of his salary, as Superintendent of the hospital.

                                                                    Oct 31, 1821

From the governor:

Mr Monets de Oca, be allow’d to retain the stall he has formerly occupied in the market, on his payin monthly four dollar for the use of the same and also his proportion of the Market Tax  heretofore paid. And there shall be erected, as soon, as considered necessary one or more stalls, which shall be let out monthly, to any persons requiring the same, on the same terms.


Nov 1821 – Death of Manuel Solana

                                                                    Nov 5, 1821

Resolved the accounts of Juan de Entralgo and son as clerks of the former council be paid.

                                                                    Nov 9, 1821

Mr Porter and Mr. Gwyott were appointed commissioners for Hospital.

Accounts paid P Mitchell for hire of negroes $15

Rob’ Rowley for 3 coffins $15

Rob’ Dowling bal due him $5

John Johnson for work on Hospital $10

Charles Robiou for lumber $40

Wm Brown $10

Nov 23

Account received from Tho Campbell for $10.50 and ordered to be paid

Alexander McCoye account as stewart of the hospital for $29.00 recd and ordered to be paid.

Nov 30

Wm Roberton appointed an Alderman.

Dec 10

A letter was reeiv’d from Samuel Fairbanks one of the security for G Darling as High Constable praying to be released from any future responsibility on his security bond which was granted.

The acct of Mary Connely for $28.00 was received and ordered to e paid.

Geo Gibbs and William Reynolds were appointed Commissioners of Pilotage.

Dec 22 1821

Sam Walker was appointed Clerk of the Market.

Mr Arnold the former Clerk of the Market be directed to deliver over to the present clerk, the House he now occupies.



Mayor-              Waters Smith (Nov 4, 1822-1823)

President of the Board of Alderman – Antonio Alvarez Nov 23 1822


1st Territorial Delegate to Congress –    Joseph M. Hernandez


Ordinance 4 for the due observance of Sabbath

Considering that in may countries where slavery is admitted, slaves are allowed to come to market on Sunday’s only, there and then to purchase what they want for the comfort of their families;

Considering, that whatever may be the general impression and rules of the people of the United States on this subject, a due regard ought to be paid to the national habits of this new acquired territory resolve as follows

Section 1

There shall be an absolute cessation from worldly occupations on Sundays until noon.

Section 4

No number, exceeding two, of colored persons, free or slaves, shall be allowed to stand in, and thereby to obstruct the streets, lanes, and avenues or to annoy the public in any manner whatsoever;

Jan 4 1822

James Guyott was appointed as Constable.

Jan 15

Jan Lowe for nursing $18 ordered o be paid.

(1821 a Map of the City of St. Augustine was submitted to the US House of Representatives).

Jan 24

R Gibson appointed as an Alderman.

Jn Gonzales, ? Quevada, and M Solana and John Greene were appointed Directors of he Patrol in the different Wards of the City.

Ordinance No 10

No Negro or Person of Color, shall be permitted to go abroad in the Streets after 9 o’clock at night, unless if a slave he or she be provided with a written pass from his or her Master or Mistress, and if free, from the Mayor or one of the Aldermen,. And all persons of Color, shall be subject to the examination of the Patrol, if found in the streets after the hour before mentioned.

No persons of color, shall be permitted to hold meetings for dancing or other sports at any time of night after 12 o’clock without written permission from the Mayor or one of the Aldermen…..

Jan 28

Dr. Richard Murrays account for services render’d to the Hospital was referr’d to the Charitable society.

Feb 4

Rodman had given judgment against Gaspar Arnau, Don Montenoca and Antnio Merae and had fined them $30 each under the Ordinance of he Board of Health.

Feb 25

Mary Struder for nursing the orphan children of the late Joshua Devlin for 10 weeks

Ebenzer Tyrrell be appointed a constable for the city.

March 4

Dr. Robinson and Gibson were appointed to a committee to regulate the selling of meat in the market.

April 1

Walter Smith appointed an alderman.

John Greene elected by the Council as High Constable.

April 8

Thomas H. Penn appointed an Alderman.

Thomas Penn appointed as one of the Committee on Streets.

April 15

Dr. William McCrossky appointed alderman.

April 22

John Rodman Acting as Mayor

Dr Wm Crosky

  1. Robertson

E R Gibson

May 27

Franes G Fatio as interpreter of the Public Acts of the Council was approved (the account of)

July 15

Accounts were settled showing that John DuBose was acting treasurer from 15 Oct to 15 July 1822..

Sept 9

John Lowe was appointed Sexton of the City.

Sept 24 (Board of Health)

Doctor Micah Stone appointed resident Physician of this City appear’d and took his seat as President of the Board of Health.

Sept 27 (Board of Health)

Requested the Council to move the hospital away from the center of the city…..for the health of the inhabitants of the city.

Oct 4 (Board of Health)

Whereas it appears from the aff’ of Richard Murray MD that a Mulatto man nam’d Geoffry Turner had been administering medicine to the prejudice of the inhabitants of this City and interfering with the practice of the regular Physicians, it was therefore resolved:

That the said Geoffry Turner, be prohibited from practicing medicine from this day, under the penalty of one hundred dollars for the first offense and to be banished from the said province on conviction of the Second, And that the said Geoffry Turner be immediately notified of the above resolution by the High Constable.

Oct 5 (Board of Health)

That from and after this date there be established a Board of Physicians, to be compos’d of the Resident Physician and Dr. C McCrossky who are authorized to examine all persons now practicing physick in this City, and all those who may hereafter wish to practice  And that the said Board be authorized to from such regulations, as they may deem necessary for the same, and that this resolution be published in the Gazette.

Oct 8 (Board of Health)

Geoffry Turner, a free Man charg’d with violating a resolution passed on the 4th in’ prohibiting him from practicing physick, was found guilty, but the Board in consideration of the circumstances, under which he acted, remit the penalty on condition the he give satisfactory security to the Board of Health that he will not again practice physick in the City of St Augustine.

Resolved that Col Jn Johnson and Jn Drisdale be appointed commissioners for the present week.

Oct 18 (Board of Health)

Dr J J Owen this day appeard and informed the Board that Geoffrey Turner, did on 17 practice physick and surgery on a white man named Mills by bleeding him.

Oct 22 (Board of Health)

Geoffrey Turner who had been cited to appear before the Board for acting in contradiction to the resolution of the board passed on 4 and 5 instant ? picting his practicing Physick in this City, apper’d on which it was resolv’d.

That the said Geoffrey Turner, be committed to prison under a ? from the Pres of the Board of Health until the fine impos’d on him be paid. and that he also be compell’d to give bond and security to Amt of $500 that he will not practice physick again within this City the said bond and security to be approv’d of by the Board of Health.


That it be recommended to the Head of families, within this City, As a matter of precaution that fire be kept in their house, and that the rooms of the sick, particularly be fumigated with vinegar, sugar or tar.

Nov 4


Walters Smith …. Mayor

Antonio Alvarez

Patrick Lynch

John Drysdale

Squire Streeter

Charles Robiou

Francis P Sanchez

Francis Gue

Ediv R. Gibson

Antonio Alvares was elected by the Alderman as President of the Council

Fatio was city clerk

Nov 11

Francis G Fatio elected Clerk.

Eliminated City Constable and created the office of City Marshall

A letter was received from Moses Hart soliciting the place of Clerk of the Market. Order’d that the clerk of this board pass the same to his honor the Mayor.

Wallen, Travers and Hulbert were appointed to the Board of Pilotage.

Nov 15

Judge Smith, Mr. Rodman, and Col. Murray were appointed appraisers for government land and house in the city.

(Council had obtained the Spanish archive from J S Tingle of two large and two small books and deposited the same with the City Clerks office.

Nov 25

John Lowe was appointed messenger of the Board.

Dec 4 1822

Wm G. Davis was appointed City Marshall and Inspector.

An order was received from William Brown soliciting the place of Branch Pilot. Ordered to lay on the Table.

Dec 16

A Letter to the Mayor from Joel Dickinson containing proposals for renting the Central Hospital was received by the Board.  Ordered to lay o the Table until next meeting.

Dec 20

Hospital was leased to Joel Dickinson for an annual rent of $120

On a motion, resolved that the lower part of the City Hall be given to Mrs. Girty for the purpose of a school until such time as it shall be wanted for a more important one, or for other purposes.



Mayor – Thomas H Penn (Nov 4, 1823-1824)

Clerk of the Courts – James Scott Tingle (died 5 July 1826)

Sheriff St. Johns County – James R Hanham

Jan 6, 1823

John Andreu and John Whalton were appointed Branch Pilots of the Bar and Harbor of St. Augustine.  They were authorized to employ Matias Capella, Pedro Capella and John Buchany as their agents.

Jan 7 (Board of Health) Dr. J P C McMahon appointed Resident Physician of this City by the Acting Governor of the Province.

Jan 8

Elias Wallen was appointed Tax Collector and Treasurer by the Mayor and Thomas H. Pen and Peter Miranda offered securities.

Jan 20

Resolved that R. Lorings acct of Fifty Dollars for pulling down the Old Dragoon Barracks as per contract with the Mayor and agreeable to a resolution of this Board of the 23 November last be passed for payment.

Jan 24 (Board of Health)

John Alden was appointed a member of the board.


A letter was recd from Mr. Cotter and Waldo soliciting the Room in the lower part of the City Hall for the purpose of establishing a Classical and English School. Resolved that the said Mr Cotter and Waldo have the use of said Room for the space of two months free of rent.

Jan 29 (Board of Health)

John Dubois was appointed secretary.


The Mayor

Ed Law

Jm Rochman

Jn Gibson

Wm Robertson

Mn Alden

Dr McMahon

Feb 24

Edward R Gibson resigned as Alderman of Castle Ward.

L Watterson’s bill for a coffin for Philip A Caverly decd was rejected.

Francis Gue, John Geiger and Stephen Arnau were selected as commissioners for the special election to fill the seat of Gibson.

March 4 (Board of Health)

Resolved that the  Pilots be ordered to bring to at the Quarantine ground all vessels arriving from Baltimore, or any of the Ports of North Carolina or otherwise, where the small Pox prevails and not to bring them nearer the Town until they have been visited by the Health Officer. And have his report or permission to proceed. And that it be the duty of the Health Officer forthwith to visit every such vessel, for which he shall be entitled to receive from the master or Commander, thereof the Sum of one dollar s full Compensation for his Services.

March 5

John Lowe being charged by the Mayor of having assisted in taking up the body of Philip A Caverly decd and he (J Lowe) having pleaded not guilty it was resolved that the Mayor be requested to lay before this Board such evidence as my be in his power in support of the charge that John Lowe aided and assisted in taking up the body of Philip A. Caverly dec’d after the interment thereof in the public burying ground of this city.

March 12

Accepted the election results of Nehemiah Tilton winning over Stephen Arnau 29 to 1.

The Board having taken into consideration the offense of John Lowe in having assisted in taking up the Body of Philip A Caverly decd Resolved therefore, that he be called before the Board and receive a reprimand with a strict injunction to commit the like again.

March 19

Agreed to lease the public lots and lands reported to the board known as Old Powder House lot for one year at the rate of $2 per acre to William R. Taber and $3 for 2 more years.

April 7

An account was presented from E. Wallen City Treasurer and Collector amounting to $37.50 for one quarter salary.

June 9

Resolved that the Street Committee be and it hereby is authorized to contract with Mr. John Lorenzo for building the public well and taking down the north wall of the market and cleaning and piling up the stone thereof.

Resolved that the Mayor be authorized to have a seal with some suitable device struck for the use of the city.

Resolved that notice be given to Mr. Cotter that three dollars per month will be expected from him for the hire of the room which he occupies as a school room from the first of July ext.

June 14 (Board of Health)

Dr. Richard Weightmann, President

J G Forbes

Jn Rodman

Dr. Robertson

Dr. Gibson

Dr. McCosky

W Smith

Thos H Penn

July 11 1823

William Livingston was clerk of the market from 2 Dec 1822 till 2nd July 1823.

July 14

An acct was presented from Joseph Sanchez and Peter Mitchell for the hire of two Negroes to clear out the ditch at the lines…

Resolved that the fines imposed on Jane Frenandez and William Sanchez for a breach of City Ordinance be remitted.

August 11

A letter was received from F J Fatio resigning his office as Clerk of the Board of Aldermen…. public notice of election by posting up an advertisement at Starr tavern.

August 25

Thomas Penn and Mr. Menard applied for the position of clerk.  Thomas Penn was selected unanimously.

Sept 8

The resignation of Alderman Lynch was received. (Barrack ward)

John DuBose, P Poriers and E Gomez were selected as election commissioners.

Sept 20

Francis Marin was elected alderman.

Sept 22

A petition was presented by Marmaduke Dever praying that a fine inflicted on him for offering for sale Beef said not to be marketable.

Oct 6

Commissioners appointed for general election

Castle Ward – Jn Gieger S Arnau and N Tilton

Church Ward F P Sanchez B Segui and Rich Murray

Hospital Ward – E Wallen Simeon Sanchez and G Gibbs

Barracks Ward B Lambias, John Du Boise and John Pierson

Oct 21

R Jorulmann? was appointed Commissioner for Elections in Hospital Ward. Mr. Geo Gibbs resigned.

Oct 28th

Nehemiah Tilton was not eligible for the election post since he moved out of the Castle ward area

Nov 4

Election counts

Tho H Penn 124 votes   Walters Smith 49   MAYOR

Benjamen Chain 39 votes Jos Hernandez 39 Castle Ward

Richard Murray 38 vtes Frans Ferrana 37 C Robiou 12 C Sully 3 F S Sanchez 2 – Custom House Ward

Simeon Sanchez 44 Jno B Strong 26, Wm R Taber 21 Cotter 5 – Hospital Ward

Frm Marin 32 George Murrey 31 Peter Porter 18 Barrack Ward.

Nehimiah Tilton served as clerk pro tem.


Thomas H Penn Mayor

Benjamen Chain

Joseph Hernandez

Richard Murray

Francis Fenara

John B Strong   J Simeon Sanchez

Francis Marine

Benjamen Chain was unanimously elected President of the Board.

Four o’clock in the afternoon of the same day all the right title and interest of the late Edgar Waterman into and upon the following negro slaves, viz: – Ned, Cato, Armstel, Milly, Lucy, Persilla, Isaac, Jacob and Bella levied on and to be sold at the suit of Charles Seton, to satisfy the amount to the said judgment and cost. Purchasers to pay for all necessary papers.

James R. Hanham

Sheriff St Johns County

St. Augustine June 14, 1823

June 28, 1823

Sheriff’s Sale

By virtue of a writ fou facias, issuing from the Superior Court for the district of East Florida, under a judgment obtained in the said Court by James Crosbie against Francisco Feriara and to me directed, will be sold in front of the Court house in the City of St. Augustine the 12th day of July next between the hours of 11 o’clock in the forenoon and 4 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day all the right title and interest of the said Francisca Feirara, into and upon Sally, his negor slave levied on and to be sold at the suite of James Crosbie to satisfy the amount of said judgement and cost J R Hanham Sheriff St Johns County St. Augustine June 21, 1823

Sept 27 1823

Marshall Sale

By virtue of two writs of fiere facias to me directed and delivered, I will expose to public sale in front of the court house of the city of St. Augustine on Wed the fifteenth day of October next at one o’clock in the afternoon a mulatto man named George aged about 22 years now in possession of Mary Fontane, and taken by virture of two executions in favor of John M Hanson against the said Mary Fountain.

Walters Smith

Sept 25, 1823 Marshall

Oct 11, 1823

add Tony to Ferra sale. Sept 20, 1823


Mayor – Bernardo Segui (Nov 2, 1824-1825)

President of the board of Aldermen – James Roz  11 Sept 1824

City Clerk – E R Gibson  11 Sept 1824

City files MC17 Box 1 Folder 3

July 19, 1824

An ordinance relating to People of Colour

Be it known by the authroity of the Mayor and aldermen of the city of St Augustine, that every free colored male above the age of 18 years and under 50 years now residing in the City of St Augustine or who shall hereafter reside in the City for the space of two weeks shall pay a tax of $3 per year and every free colored between the aforesaid ages shall pay a tax of $1.50.

Section 2 ordained that every person liable to the above tax now residing in the city shall on or before the 20th of Aug cause their names to be registered at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen and pay their tax and on failure there of shall be fined the sum of $5.

Sec 3 Be it further enacted that every free coloured person above the age of 18 years who shall come here to the City of St Aug shall within two week after their arrival their names and ages to be registered in the office of the clerk of the Baord of Aldermen and pay the sum of $10 on failure thereof shall be fined $20 and all the fine imposed by this ordinance shall be collected before the Maor or Justice of the Peace passed 19 July 1824


Oct 2 1824 (Board of Health)

A memorial was proposed to congress praying a donation of fifty acres of land at Point Castel to build a Quarantine Hospital upon also a donation of such sum as may be considered sufficient to build the same…..


E R Gobros clk oct 28 1824

Received from W Riz one dollar for licence granted to John Alden for a cart.


Mayor – William Reynolds (Nov 18)

City Clerk – John M Fontaine  Jauary 29th 1825

Justice of the Peace – E. B. Gould

Jan 20

Our colored members in this place seem very pious. Indeed I never saw so promising a society of blacks, so much devoted to God. They hold communion with Him and walk in the light of his countenance….

Jan 20 Rev Noah Laney

Prejudice and bigotry are on the retreat, and are succeeded by a candid attention to truth.

Methodist Magazine 1825 Vol VIII.


I will be surity for John Buchanie as a Branch Pilot

June 21st 1825

S Streeter

Antonio Girabo

Jose Ximenez appointed Branch Pilot 11 July 1825

Peter Capello Brach pilot  15 July 1825

Territory of Florida City of St. Augustine

I William Reynolds do solemnly swear that I will to the utmost of my power support advance and defend the interest, peace and good order of the city of St. Augustine and faithfully and diligently discharge the duties of Mayor of said city, during, my continuance in office, and I do further swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States. So Help me God.

Sworn to before me this 16th day of Nov 1825 Will Reynolds

  1. B. Gould Justice of the Peace


Mayor – Davis Floyd, Pro-Tem (July 18, 1826)

Waters Smith (Nov 16, 1826-1827)

Clerk of Council – John Fontane –  1826

Received from W. Riz one dollar for license granted to John Alder for a cart Oct 20 1826

E R Gobro Clk

Richard Murray Esq

To the coporation of St Augustine for Licence to retain drugs $3.00



Mayor – John Drysdale (Nov 1827-August 10, 1830)

Clerk of Courts – Ann C. Tingle

Squire Streeter

City Marshall – Waters Smith  May 1827


Clerk of Courts – Bernardo Segui (1828 – May 1840)

Clerk of the Council – S Streeter  1828


First internment in the St. Augustine National Cemetary

Matias Capella Acting Piolet

Juan Buchany Acting Pilot



S Streeter

Clerk of the Council

August 18 1828

Abau Caunders Rafael Himenes appointed Branch Pilot for the bar

Oct 1828

Gabriel Capo Brnch Pilot for the Bar and Harbor

Know all men by tese presents that Matias Capella, Francis Gui and Manuel Agierre are held and firmly bound unto the corporation of the City of St. Augustine

Matis Capella has been appointed Branch Pilot for the Bar and Harbor of St. Augustine. No…

Oct 1828

Peter Cappello, Branch Pilot  (Oct 1828)

At an election for a Mayor and four Alderman for the city of St. Augustine held yesterday the 1st ins John Drysdale was elected Mayor and Wm. H. Simmons, Benj A Putnam, Arto Alvarez and Charles Robiou to serve for the ensuing years St. Augustine 2 Dec 1828

Thomas Murphay

Esteban Arnau Inspectors


Jan 29 1829

I off myself as candidate for the office of City Marshall to the coporation of St. Augustine and will perform the duties thereof for the sum of Three Hundred and tenty four dollars per annum.

I will give the security required by said corporation for the faithful performance of the duties of said office of city marshall.

Your obt servt

Jose Elzaurdi

I propose to do the duty of City Marshal in this city for one year for the sum of two hundred and ninety ine dollars

I offer as my ?

Mr. I M Hanson

and Mrs M. Cook of this city

Respectifully Henry Thompson

William Livingston June 1829 Clerk of the Market

April 29th

The Trustees of Presbyterian Church they solicit your continued assistance in supporting a preached Gospel here. Our Sabbath School is now very flurishing it consists of 42 scholars. Dyer Ball American Home Missionary.

James Hernandez Brach Pilot

Oct 1829

John Capo (Juan)

Branch Pilot  Oct 1829

John Carreras, Branch Pilot (July 1829)


Mayor – E. B. Gould (Nov 11, 1830)

Postmaster of St. Augustine –    Bernardo Segui

Alderman –                                           Bernardo Segui

John Carreras Clerk of the Market 4 Day Feb 1830

April 22,

The Rev D. Ball has resided in this city 1 yr during which time he has been laborously successfully engaged in preaching the gospel and instructing a large number of youth of our place…valuable members of community Rev. Thomas Alexander, Rev Alexander Ackman, EB Gould, George Douglas

St. Augustine Genealogical Society

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