St. Augustine Genealogical Society
Journals and Newsletters
An amazing amount of public domain books, periodicals and other publications is being digitized and posted online daily. Below is an index with links to many of these documents along with current free publications offered by the online archives and other genealogical services.
Library of Congress Magazine – contains many articles of interest to genealogists and is a great way to learn about collections that can be useful to your research.
Prologue – is the magazine of the National Archives and Records Administration and it also introduces you to the many resources available at the Archives.
National Genealogical Society – offers many classes and books over a broad range of genealogy topics. The Society also publishes a Quarterly and Magazine. Quarterly publications are a great way to see how others have conducted their research and put sources together to prove a case positive. Some resources from NGS are free. Others require a membership.
Alabama Genealogical Society – publications and seminars pertaining to Alabama families and their history. Membership required.
Broadside – Semper Virginia Society – quarterly publication from the Library of Virginia describes and illustrates the rich holdings and diverse happenings at the Library of Virginia.
Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter – daily or weekly newsletter of genealogy-related news for more than 25 years. Subscription required.
Georgia Genealogical Society – publishes a Quarterly and offers seminars and webinars and in their Learning Center. Quarterly publications are a great way to see how others have conducted their research and put sources together to prove a case positive. Membership required.
Irish Lives Remembered – Irish Family History Centre has plenty of Irish Genealogy resources in each issue.
Mississippi History Newsletter – a quarterly publication reporting news related to the state’s history.
New York Archives Magazine – published quarterly by the Archives Partnership Trust and introduces New York State history found in records maintained throughout the state.
North Carolina Genealogical Society – publishes a quarterly Journal and provides education and resources to support North Carolina family history research. Membership required.
PastPorts – St. Louis County Library – monthly publication of the History and Genealogy Department.
Past Pursuits – Akron-Summit County (OH) Public Library Newsletter – published quarterly with articles about local history, genealogy, new archival collections, books and other resources.
Somos Primos – a monthly publication dedicated to Hispanic Heritage with past and present articles and information concerning Hispanic heritage.
The Quarterly – The Historic New Orleans Collection – includes articles about the Collection’s events, exhibitions, resources and programs.
Wisconsin Magazine of History Archives – Wisconsin Historical Society – offers a full-color quarterly magazine that informs with articles about Wisconsin culture and history.