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Newspaper Extracts

Florida Herald and Southern Democrat 1839

This information is provided by the St Augustine Genealogical Society for genealogical research purposes only. 

The information was transcribed by a member of the St Augustine Genealogical Society and posted to the Rootsweb site for the Society.  The name of the person who transcribed the information, the date of transcription, and the location of the original source material is unknown. 

Florida Herald and Southern Democrat by James M Gould, St. Augustine, Thursday, January 31, 1839

New Series Vol IV No 35

Married In this city, on the 20th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Dunlap, Mr. Ezekiel Brown to Miss Hannah Saunders, both of this city.

On the 28th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Rampoun, Mr. Alberto Robero, to Miss Elojia, daughter of the late Philip Solano, dec, all of this city.

Died on Thursday, the 31st January, in this city, Mr. Nathan Andrews of the City of New York.

Notice – Six weeks from date, I will apply to the Hon. the Judge of the county Court of St. Johns County for Letters of Administration on the estate of John Huertas, deceased.


J.M. Fontane. Nov. 29

Notice – Six weeks after date, I will apply to the Hon. the Judge of the County Court of St. Johns County for Letters of Administration on the estate of Fernando M Arredondo, Jun, late of East Florida, deceased, under a Power of Attorney from the widow and heirs of the said Estate.  Chas. Robiou. Dec 4.


In the County Court – St Johns County. In the matter of the Estate of Rafael Andrew, dec.  Notice of Discharge


John R. Andrew, one of the Testamentary Executors of the Estate of Rafael Andrew, dec., having adjusted the accounts with the heirs and assigns of said estate, hereby gives notice, that immediately after the expiration of six months from the date hereof, he will apply to the Hon. the Judge of the Court of St. Johns County for a full and final settlement of his accounts with said Estate, and for his discharge as such Executor.  St. Augustine, Jan 2.


February 14, 1839



On Monday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Rampoun Mr. John Sequi to Miss Jane Masters both of this city.

On Monday evening by the Rev. Mr. Rampoun Mr. Christobal Bravo to Miss Usina, both of this city.



In this city at 3 o’clock this afternoon Ephraim Hart, of the city of Utica, NY aged 64 years. The deceased was formerly a distinguished citizen of the state of New York, having been a member of the Senate, and also a member of the Board of Canal Commissioners of that State. He has also been favorably known to the citizens of this place as an honest and upright man, and as one of the first who introduced into this Territory the Morus Multicanlis, now so extensively and profitably cultivated.

In this city, on the 13th inst. Theodore, eldest child of Mr. Philip Weadman, Jr.

Thursday February 21, 1839

Married In this City, on Monday night last, by the Rev. Mr. Rampon, Mr. James Hernandez to Miss Dominga Triay, both of this city.


Six weeks from this date, I will make application to the Hon the Judge of the County Court of St. Johns county, for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Antonio Huertas dec’d  Dec 13, 1838 Jno. M. Fontane


February 28, 1839

Select Seminary for Young Gentlemen, Under 8 years of age.


Miss Phillips respectfully informs the parents of young Gentlemen under 8 years of age, that she will open her school on the first day of March next, at her residence solely for Boys. — and that they will be instructed in Orthography, Reading, Writing Arithmetic, Grammar and Geography. Terms $5 per quarter. The “News” will be pleased to give the above four insertions and send the bill for payment to Mr. G. I. Phillips St. Augustine, Feb 20, 1839


Died In this city on the 24th last., of Consumption, Mrs. Sarah S. Williams.


March 7, 1839



In this City on Monday, the 4th inst. the Rev. Mr. Rampon, Capt. Domingo A Usia to Miss Antonia N Arnau both of this place.


At Richmond, at the residence of Mrs. Brockenbrough, on the 5th Feb by the Rev. R K Mead, Professor James L Cabell of the University of Virginia, to Miss Margaret Gibbons of Albemarle


Died At Picolata, on the 4th inst. William Zernbauer a native of Germany, aged 5 years.


English School


Mr. B Creegan having separated from the Rev. Mr. Hackett most respectfully announces to the citizens of St. Augustine, that he has already commenced teaching school in the house belonging to Capt Mickler, situated in Charlotte Street, in which he will receive and carefully instruct, as he has heretofore done, children who may be confided to his care. He also begs leave to inform the public that he will spare no pains or trouble for the improvement of his pupils, and though his school is open to all, without distinction of creed, yet he depends more particularly upon the patronage of the Catholic community for support.



Young beginners per quarter,  $3.00

Those more advanced       $5.00

For Bookkeeping, Geometry, Surveying etc.  $6.00


Catholic parents are informed that he will require from Catholic children a strict attendance to Sunday School, and to the public services of the church, whilst children of other religious denominations will be allowed to attend their own places of worship without interfering with their religious principles.


Mr. C. will give lessons every night, (Saturdays and Sundays excepted) in his School Room from 7 o’clock to 9, to those who may choose to receive them from him


St. Augustine March 7 1839


March 24, 1839

Notice Six weeks from this date I will make application to the Hon. the Judge of the County Court of Alachua County, for letters of Administration on the Estate of Saml. B. Fizpatrick, late of said County, dec’d  Thos B. Fitzpatrick.


April 11, 1839

Married At St. Joseph, on Wednesday the 6th inst., by the Rev. Thos C Benning, Major Isaac Garrison of Alachua County, to Mrs. Laura M. Johnson, of St. Joseph.


Major Garrison, it will be remembered was one of the faithful delegates to the Convention. In gallantry to the fair ladies of St. Joseph he has certainly surpassed any of his colleagues altho’ we understand that some of the other single gentlemen bought with them very pleasing recollections.




The citizens of St. Augustine are informed that C. W. Barlett , teacher of the beautiful art of Penmanship, has taken rooms at Mr. Hulbert’s stone building, near the market place, where he will commence a course of twenty four lessons on Monday next. April 15th; two lessons each day.


Terms of Tuition, two dollars for the course payable at the expiration. Any scholar who understands holding a pen, and who pays diligent attention, shall be made a good writer or no pay will be demanded.  April 11, 1839 C. W. Bartlett


April 28, 1839

Married In Madison County, Middle Florida, on the 14th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Cooper, John C. Pillans Esq. of Charleston, S. C. to Mrs. Angelina P. Alexander, of the former place.


Died In this city, on Tuesday, 23d inst; Mr. J. Milliken.


May 23, 1839

Married In this city, on Monday last, by the Rev. Mr. Rampon, Mr. Peter Masters, Jr., to Miss Josephine Mier, daughter of the late Antonio Mier, Esq.


On the same day, by the same reverend gentleman, Mr. Andrew Lopez, to Miss Mary Andrew, daughter of Mr. Peter Masters, Sr.


June 13, 1839

Died In This city, on Tuesday, Mrs. Mary, wife of Andres Pacety, Jr.


At New York on the 16th of May of consumption Isabella, consort of Capt. Thomas Sears, and eldest daughter of the late John Westray, Esq., of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

St Augustine June 11, 1839.


July 18, 1839

Estate of Angelica Williams, dec.


Notice is hereby given, to all persons having claims against the Estate of Angelica Williams, dec., to present the same within the time prescribed by law, or they will be forever barred; and all persons indebted are required to make payment to me. July 12, 1839. Sampson Williams.


Notice Six weeks after date, I will apply to the hon. the judge of the County Court of Columbia County, for letters of Administration of the Estate of James T. Hooker, late of said county deceased. Wm. B. Hooker July 9, 1839.


Notice Is hereby given to all persons having demands against the estate the late Stephen J. Eubank deceased, that they do exhibit them, duly authenticated to the Executors of said Estate, on or before the fifth day of August next ensuring, they will be finally barred. All those indebted to the said Estate aforesaid, are requested to make immediate payment, or suit will be instituted without delay. W. M. Eubank, Charles Broward Duval County, June 26, 1839.


Married In Tallahassee, by the Rev. Francis P. Lee, at the residence of R. H. Berry, Esq., on Sunday Morning, July 7th, Joseph Charles Esq., to Miss Russel Ormond, both of Leon.


Died at St. Marys on the 5th inst., Mrs. Mary Crichton relict of the late John Crichton, Esq. of that place.


August 29, 1839

Died In Charleston on Monday last, the right Rev. Bishop Bowen, of the diocese of South Carolina.


The Citizens of St. Augustine are respectfully informed, that Mr. B. Creegan will give lessons in his school room every night. Saturdays and Sundays excepted, from 7 o’clock to 9, to a number of young gentlemen, limited to eight.


Terms, $2 per month, payable in advance, if required. No persons will be received but those of respectability, wholly desirous of improvements.  St. Augustine July 25, 1838 B Creegan


September 12, 1839

Estate of Patty Wiggins, dec.


Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Patty Wiggins, dec. to present the same duly attested within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted thereto, are required to make immediate payment to John Carreras, Qualified Exec’r Sept 12, 1849


Administrator’s Sale.


Public notice is hereby given, that on the 14th day of October next, will be sold at Public Auction at the market House in the city of St. Augustine by permission of the Judge of the County Court of St. Johns county — a lot of land belonging to the Estate of Joseph Bonelly, deceased, situated in said city, and bounded west by Charlotte street, north by a street, name unknown, east by Bay street, and south by property of the estate of Antonio Mier, dec. to satisfy the creditors of the Estate of the said Joseph Bonelly, dec. Antonia B. Leonardy Sept 11, 1839


Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the Estate of Louis L Mrse, dec., to present the same within the time prescribed by law, or they will be forever barred; and all persons indebted are required to make payment to me. Sept 11, 1839. M. F Johnson, Adm’r


Notice Six weeks after the date I shall apply to the Judge of the County Court of St. Johns County, for letters of administration on the Estate of Charles W. Clarke, late of said County, dec. Sept 11, 1839 Sampson Williams.


Notice Six weeks after date I shall apply to the Judge of the County Court of Nassau County for letters of administration on the Estate of James Bessent, late of said County, dec.

July 13, 1839. John Hardin


September 26, 1839

Notice All persons having claims against the Estate of Bartolo Solana, late of St. Johns County, deceased, and requested to present them within the time prescribed by law, or they will be forever barred — and all persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payments to Mateo Solana Exec’t Sept 25, 1839


Oct 10, 1839

Notice All persons indebted to the Estate of Mrs. Dolly McLean late of the County of St. Johns dec are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or they will be forever barred. M. H. Tucker, Executor Oct 10, 1838


Notice Six weeks after date we will apply to the Judge of the county Court of St. Johns County, for Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Bengel, late of said county, deceased.

Philip Weademann, Sen.

Geo. J. Zehnbauer


October 17, 1839

Wanted to Purchase A Negro Boy about 16 or 18 years of age for employment as a domestic servant in a small family in this City — and also a little black girl about 12 or 14 years of age for a chamber maid to a young lady — for both of whom a fair and reasonable price will be paid. Apply to the printer for the name of person to be the purchaser.


Died On the 15th inst. of dropsy, Mrs. Marian Rodriguez a native of Philadelphia, but long a resident of this city, aged 70 years.


On the 16th inst. of fever, George Creek a native of the Isle of Man, Great Britain, aged 22 years.


It becomes our sorrowful duty to record the decease of the Rev. Raymond A. Henderson Rector of Trinity church in this city. He died on the 16th after a few days severe illness, and we truly say his exit is as unexpected as it is unwelcome. As a pastor, Mr. Henderson was faithful, every ready to attend to any call, or to perform any duty devolving upon him. He was a worthy citizen, and it is to his ardent zeal, his untiring perseverance, and his own munificence, that the city is chiefly indebted for that neat edifice, the Episcopal Church. We deeply sympathize with his afflicted relatives, and his bereaved church and congregation.


We hope some abler hand will favor us next week with just tribute to his memory.


“Unveil my bosom, faithful one,

Take this new treasure to thy trust,

And give these sacred relics room

To seek a slumber in the dust.”


Six weeks after date I shall apply to the Judge of the County court of St. Johns County, for letters of administration on the Estate of Charles W. Clarke, late of said County, dec.

Sept 11, 1839 Sampson Williams


Notice Six weeks after date, application will be made to the hon. the Judge of St. Johns county, for letters of administration on the Estate of James Williams late of said County, dec.

Aug 29, 1839 James M. Gould.


Notice is hereby given, to all persons having claims against the Estate of Louis L. Morse, dec. to present the same within the time prescribed by law, or they will be forever barred; and all persons indebted are required to make payment to me.  Sept 11, 1839.  M. F. Johnson Adm’r.


Notice Six weeks after date I will apply to the Hon. the judge of the County Court of St. Johns County, for Letters of Administration on the Estate of the Marquis de Fougeres, late of said County, dec. Francis Gue.

August 19, 1839.


October 25, 1839

Notice Is hereby given, that I shall six weeks after date apply to the Hon. Judge of the County court of St. Johns, for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Col Simon Beckham late of said county deceased G. Humphreys. St. Augustine Oct 24, 1839.


Six weeks after date I will apply for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Raymond A. Henderson, late of St Johns County, dec. Oct. 24 Abraham Dupont


Died In this city, on the 18th inst. Adolphus Lewis, eldest son of Charles Robiou, Esq., aged 12 years and one month. This bereavement to this parents to his brother to his sister, is an afflicting stroke, and many connected by no ties of blood feel sincerely the loss of a promising boy, who appeared destined to be the joy of his family, and an ornament to society.


In this city, at the residence of Mrs. S. P. Anderson, on Sunday morning last, Miss Hannah Agnes Maguire, aged 22, a native of Ferrmaghnah, (or Armagh) Ireland, and resident about four years in America, Beautiful and accomplished, she came to St. Augustine as a teacher in devotion to her duties, her health became impaired — for months she has lingered with Christian resignation, awaiting another and a better world. Though far away from the land of  her birth, and the sympathies of relatives and early associates, she had become here endeared to kind and kindred hearts, who watched over her with a parent’s solicitude, and who mourn over her departure as a mother mourns for her lost child.


An obituary, received too late for to-day, will appear in our next.


On the 20th inst, Miss Mary Magdalen Pamella, daughter of P. B. Dumas, Esq., aged 18 years.


On Tuesday evening last Miss Theresa Olivia daughter of Peter B. Dumas, Esquire Thus have their family been bereft of two beautiful girls within the short space of three days.


On Monday evening of a lingering illness at the house of Mr. Benjamin Hearn, near this city, Lieut. Col. Simon Beckham, aged 50 years. He was an officer in the last war against those atrocious enemies of American Liberty, the British, and as a volunteer officer against the Indians in Florida, has acquitted himself most handsomely. In private life Col. Beckham was a man of honor, integrity, and uprightness, esteemed by all who knew him.


Died On the 19th day of October last with the prevailing fever, William T. Campbell son of the late Capt. Duncan H. Campbell, formerly of St. Marys Ga aged 9 years. For goodness of heart, energy and intelligence poor William was surpassed by none of his own age and fondly did his friends rely upon the promises of his boyhood — promises of useful and prosperous years, which Death has shut out forever. Conscious of his approaching dissolution he said, “all remedies are vain; it is my destiny, and I am not afraid to die.”  His far distant father could not receive his last sigh, but his thoughts were with her, and he called upon her name. Every effort which affliction and skill could devise was made for his relief, but the Destroyer was inexorable, and would not release his victim.


On the 1st Mr. Arthur O’Hagan, mason, a native of Londonderry, Ireland.


O the 2d Mr. Rutherford, carpenter, of New York.


On the 4th, William Slacon, Esq. USN Purser of the US Steamer Poinsett.


On the same day, Mr. Daily, Sutler to the army.


On the 5th Lieut G. C. Rodney 3d Artillery USA a grandson of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence of the former minister to Buenos Ayres — fearless, generous, and disinterested, formed by nature for a solder, in him the service has lost one who would ever have been distinguished where gallant deeds were to be performed.


On the 6th, Captain J. W. McCrabb, USA Quarter Master of this post. Few officers stood in higher estimation with the army than Captain McCrabb; with the citizens generally he was popular and beloved; few men had a more happy faculty of endearing themselves to all with whom they are brought into communication.


On the 8th Dr. Andrew Anderson, President of the Life and Trust Co.


9 Lieut. Benj Poole 34 Artillery, USA


On the 10th aged 18 Sarah, youngest daughter of the late James and Anna Ferrand of N York ad a beloved relative and member of our family. Having been deprived of both parents in early childhood, she was tenderly reared by the indulgent care of an affectionate grandmother and always taught to love her distant uncle and aunt. Just one short year ago she was introduced as a child into our family, since when all the fondness of parental, filial, and fraternal love has been fully realized as each pang of our bereaved hearts testifies. Youthful, amiable, cheerful, lovely, sympathizing, ever ready herself to administer comfort to the sufferings no wonder the interest of strangers and friends was awakened in her behalf; but all that skill or friendship could do could to arrest the insatiate archer.


10th Mrs. Margaret Porter wife of  Porter.


12 Lieut R. S. Jennings 3d Art’y U.S. A.


11th A. E. Feiendlande aged 23 a native of Hamburg in Germany.


11th Jacob Brow, an old and respectable resident.


13th W. S. Smith, passed Midshipman U S N. late of the steamer Poinsett

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