St. Augustine Genealogical Society
St. Augustine Cathedral Early Matrimonials 1720-1721
The information is an excerpt from Emily Wilson’s transcription of early Cathedral Parish Records. The complete set of records is available at the St. Augustine Historical Society Research Library.
St. Johns County Marriage Licenses 1800-1899
Circuit Court Papers of Records of Marriage Licenses from the St. Johns County Courthouse. This transcription is from photocopies at the St. Augustine Historical Society by SAGS member C. Mack Wills in Oct 2009.
The records in the Historical Society are photo copies of the marriage license register book. Names are spelled the way they were recorded by the county clerks in the records. Photocopies are available at the St. Johns County Courthouse, 4020 Lewis Speedway, St. Augustine, Florida.
Trinity Episcopal Marriages Book 3
Trinity Episcopal Church Marriages Book 3 can be found at the church at 215 St George St, St. Augustine, FL 32084. The St. Augustine Historical Society has microfilm copies that were used for the transcription by SAGS member C. Mack Wills.
St. Johns County Marriage Bonds 1823-1832
Marriage Licenses and Bonds from 1823-1832 as recorded in the County Clerk’s Office in St. Augustine, FL, and on record at the St. Augustine Historical Society. Transcribed from records at the St. Augustine Historical Society by SAGS member C. Mack Wills in Feb 2010.
The spelling of some names does not appear to be the actual spelling. The use of the term [sic] indicates a questionable spelling. In the bound volume in the Society, there are appended photo copies of the applicable documents from the County Clerk’s Office.
St. Augustine Cathedral Marriages 1784-1801
White Catholic Marriages St. Augustine, Florida 1784-1801 from records at the St. Augustine Historical Society which were transcribed from records at the Catholic Bishop’s Residence, St. Augustine, Florida, covering the period 1784-1801. The information was transcribed by SAGS member C. Mack Wills in 2009.
From the Fly Lead: “First Book of White Marriages celebrated in this Parochial Church of San Agustin, of East Florida, after His British Majesty ceded this City and Province to the arms of our Catholic Monarch, Don Carlos the Third (Whom God Bless), in the year 1784, Don Thomas Hassett, Presiding Pastor, Vicar, and Ecclesiastical Judge of it, and Don Michael O’Reilly, his Assistant.”
Trinity Episcopal Marriages Book 4
Trinity Episcopal Church Marriages Book 4 can be found at the church at 215 St George St, St. Augustine, FL 32084. The St. Augustine Historical Society has microfilm copies that were used for the transcription by SAGS member C. Mack Wills.
St. Augustine Cathedral Marriages 1785-1977
White marriages performed at the Cathedral of St Augustine for the period between 1785-1977. Taken from records prepared by William T Baker, Jr in November 2001. The information was transcribed by SAGS member C. Mack Wills in 2007-2008
Trinity Episcopal Marriages Book 3 or 4
Trinity Episcopal Church Marriages Book 3 or 4 can be found at the church at 215 St George St, St. Augustine, FL 32084. The St. Augustine Historical Society has microfilm copies that were used for the transcription by SAGS member C. Mack Wills.
Memorial Presbyterian Marriages
Memorial Presbyterian Marriages compiled from records maintained at the St. Augustine Historical Society. The information was transcribed by SAGS member C. Mack Wills in September 2009.
Trinity Episcopal Marriages Book Unknown
Trinity Episcopal Church Marriages - Book unknown can be found at the church at 215 St George St, St. Augustine, FL 32084. The St. Augustine Historical Society has microfilm copies that were used for the transcription by SAGS member C. Mack Wills.
St. Johns County Marriage Licenses 1816-1899
Marriage Licenses and Bonds as records in the County Clerk’s Office in St. Augustine, FL and on record at the St. Augustine Historical Society. Transcribed from records at the St. Augustine Historical Society by SAGS member C. Mack Wills in Oct 2009 and Feb 2010.
St. Ambrose Parish Marriages Book 2 1935-1964
St. Ambrose Parish Marriages (28 Nov 1881 – 24 Oct 1934) First Book and St. Ambrose Parish Marriages (24 Dec 1935 – 11 Apr 1964) Second Book were compiled by SAGS member C. Mack Wills in October-November 2009 from records at the St. Augustine Historical Society.
Marriages were performed at the following churches: St. Ambrose in Moccasin Branch; St. Leopoldi in Mill Creek; Our Lady of Good Council in Bakerville