St. Augustine Genealogical Society
Minorcan Baptisms 1768-1784
Birth Records
This information is provided by the St. Augustine Genealogical Society for genealogical research purposes only.
From The Golden Book of Minorcans, baptism records for the period 1768 – 1784 from the records prepared by William T. Baker Jr. The information was indexed by SAGS member C. Mack Wills in September 2009.
Be aware that some names are spelled differently for the same person in different sections. The source volume also shows the name of the godparents and other pertinent information. Reference numbers 70 thru 100 were not used by the transcriber of the original listing.
SEGUI, Nicolas Guillermo Paul
Birth Place: Not available
Baptism Date: 6 Dec 1783
Confirmation Date: Not available
Confirmation Place: Not available
Parents: SEGUI, Miguel & ROSELLO, Clara
Minorcan Baptisms 1768-1784
Reference: 477
Birth Date: 6 Dec 1783