St. Augustine Genealogical Society
Military Records
Provost Marshall Report 1863
This information is provided by the St. Augustine Genealogical Society for research purposes only.Â
This information was transcribed by a member of the St. Augustine Genealogical Society and posted to the Rootsweb site for the Society years ago. The Society Rootsweb site is no longer in existence. The name of the person who transcribed the information and the date of transcription is unknown.
Provost Marshall Report 1863
Headquarters Provost Marshall General
Department of the South
Port Royal April 11th 1863
Col Jas F Hall
Provost Marshall General Dept of the South
Surgeon Snow reports to me that Dr Hiems and Mr. Stephen Bacon, two very old men brought here from St Augustine under an order of general Hunter that all persons who had relatives in the rebel army and who would not take the oath of allegiance should be sent beyond the lines It appears that the Commandant at St. Augustine, after these men were placed on board the Us transport to be sent to Jacksonville assumed to send them here.
Surgeon Snow assures me that these men are old and that they are both declining in health and that although they are rebels, yet they can do no harm if sent away, and will probably die if detained here. They desire to be sent back to St. Augustine. Dr Hiems has a son in the rebel army. He claims to reside in Virginia.
At the solicitation of Dr Snow, I apply to you for instructions in the premises. Mr. Gladding is still very ill. The surgeon entertains serious apprehensions as to his recovery. General Hickman assumed command here this morning. Do you not need the troops recently returned? I cannot see the necessity for them here. The news from N C is quite unfavorable. It is reported that General Foster is surrounded by the enemy, batteries in his rear. Your family is quite well. Everything in your department goes on smoothly. I forward you sever copies of your Genl Ord No. w. Perhaps you may need them for distribution. We are in anxious suspense concerning option. we are in anxious suspense concerning operations of the army and navy. If the navy should fail you must engineer them out of Charleston.
I have the honor to be
Your Obedient Servant
Geo S Batcheller
Lt Col 115th N Y Vols A Dep
Provost Marshall Genl
Dept of the South
Office of the Provost Marshall
St Augustine Fla June 14th 1863
I have just finished administering the Oath of Allegiance and the issuing of Descriptive Passes to the inhabitants at this Post, with the following exceptions. To a few persons who are invalids and upon whom I shall call during the present week and to the Rev Edward Aubriel, Rev Bernard Aubance and Rev F Katrio Kirby, priest officiating at the Cathedral of St Augustine in this City, and also to Mary Aloysious, Mary Evangelista, Mary Magdalenia and Mary Monica, sisters of Mercy at the Covent of St Mary in this City and to the Misses Luzzie and Ellen Hennery boarders at the said Covenant. The above named persons have expressed a desire to me to take the Oath of Neutrality and I am now waiting for instructions from you as to the course I shall pursue with them. Your order in relation to the “Examination of Passes” is received and before executing it, I would ask whether it is necessary at this Post, in as much as I have just issued the Passes, and know that there can be no reason of taking the Oath by anyone at this Post. Four orders concerning those “desiring to escape the Draft” and the “Sale of Wines, Liquors and Ales are received and will be immediately obeyed. I send to you by this Steamer five men named Richard Parker, William Loach, William Barrow, John Barrow, and Jackson Knowles. Richard Parker and William Louch were conscripted by the Confederate authorities fled, and arrived at this post June 3rd 1863. John Barrow, William Barrow and Jackson Knowles were privates in Capt Oakes Co Con Inf, deserters and arrived at this post June 13th 1863. I also send you the Registry of Descriptive Passes issued and of Oaths administered at this Post to June 14 1863. I also send you a letter addressed to Andrew Floyd, prisoner at Hilton Head, containing eight dollars, one addressed to Bartolo Genovar prisoner at Hilton Head containing two dollars and one addressed to William Gardiner prisoner at Hilton Head containing two dollars, all of which I have receipted for, and a box and parcel for Bartolo Genovar. I understood that some furniture sent from here for Lehr Middleton was seized at Hilton Head and now remains there. I am directed by Col R Hawley Co what the furniture is old family furniture belonging to a Mrs. Cobb, a loyal woman residing at the North, and has been in the charge of Mrs. Clarissa Anderson, a loyal woman living in this City, at whose request it was sent North to protect it from any accident that might happen to it here
O S Sanford
Capt 7CV Provost Marshall
To James F Hall
Lt Col and Provost Marshall General
Hilton Head SC
Received the within expressed letters
Bartolo Genovar
William Gardner
Andrew Floyd